Know About Zodiac Signs: Leo (Simha), Chapter 5, Part – 24

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Transit Predictions for Leo from 2010 to 2021


Initially Jupiter in
Aquarius transits the seventh houses, Gives very good results.

From May 2, 2010, Jupiter
in Pisces transits the eighth houses. Gives moderate results.

From Nov 1, 2010, Jupiter
in Aquarius transits the seventh houses. Give very good results.

From Dec 6, 2010, Jupiter
in Pisces transits the eighth houses. Give moderate results.

Initially Saturn in Virgo
and remains in Virgo for rest of the year 2010, transits the second houses.
Gives just moderate results.

Initially Rahu in
Sagittarius and remains in Sagittarius for rest of the year 2010, transits the
fifth houses Gives bad results.

Initially Ketu in Gemini
and remains in Gemini for rest of the year 2010, transits the eleventh houses.
Gives good results.

Jupiter transits the seventh house it also aspects the
eleventh, first, and third houses. While Jupiter is in Aquarius, Your self-expansion is sought through humanitarian ways
and on unconventional lines. The scientific spirit is evinced. You will by
taking positive action, and see to it that justice is done and seen to be done.
Or (If afflicted), You will seek self-freedom through revolutionary
free-for-all ways.

You will effortlessly
fulfill your daily desires and major goals. You have tremendous energy for
daily errands and minor tasks throughout this transit. Relationships with
siblings, both younger and older, are favoured, also are friendships and group
activities. You may have promotions, advancement, good luck, fortune, and a
measure of spiritual development. You can expect strong sexual desire and
cravings, which you now fulfill effortlessly. You are diplomatic, and you
experience peace and harmony and a powerful sense of appreciation. Love comes quite
naturally to you now. You are sociable generous, affectionate, and capable of
intimacy. Jupiter when Well Aspected,
– When Jupiter is well aspected in the nativity this is particularly good, and
one of the best times to marry. It is excellent, in fact, for partnerships and
unions of all kinds, and brings opportunities to overcome one’s open enemies. If Afflicted – It is likely to bring
trouble and loss through lawsuits, extravagance on the part of the partner,
ill-advised actions and some affliction to the health.

Jupiter transits the eighth house, it also aspects the
twelfth, second, and fourth houses. While Jupiter is in Pisces. You will be thoroughly expansive in general, kindly
emotional ways, with strong intuitive imagination, helpful for the arts and for
psychic work. You will be over flowing with kind desire to help others. You
will have a compassionate spirit and a natural friendliness and will always
listen to what is being said and built a marvelously sympathetic rapport with
other people. Or (If afflicted), You may be over-imaginative to the point of
self-undoing through lack of commonsense in every-day affairs. Emotions too
easily stirred to exaggerative expression.


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