Know About Zodiac Signs: Scorpio (Virischik), Chapter 8, Part – 7

Dr. Shanker Adawal

Scorpio Woman:

The beauty of a Scorpio
woman will be exceptional, mysterious and totally magnetic. She will know it
and will be proud of herself. She will control her wish to dominate and will
let a man lead in a relationship, at least during courtship. She will know how
to hypnotize a man and get success, more often than not. One should not expect
that a Scorpio female will rush into his arms in front of a thousand people and
shout her feelings at the top of her voice. Instead, she will come close to
him, glance at him in a sensual way and whisper the most romantic words in a
seductive tone. A non-sincere male should not even try to get close to a
Scorpio girl as with her beautiful, penetrating eyes she can read exactly what
is in his mind. She can easily make out his real intentions as it will amount
to insulting her and insulting her will not at all good for his health. Even
when her tone will be soothing, disposition kind and smile generous, she can be
planning the most powerful retaliation. When a Scorpio woman will be insulted
or get hurt, her fury will know no bounds. Then, she can become the most
hard-hearted and most sarcastic person on this earth. If she will love with
fierce devotion, she will hate with devastating malice.

She will have a very
hypnotic gaze and the moment her eyes will meet with his, he will go tumbling
down in her deep passion. Being noticed by a Scorpio female will definitely
give a boost to a man’s ego. She will need a man who will be stronger than her
and weakness in him won’t get her sympathy at all. He will be expected to
behave like a real man, who can dominate her and make her proud. At the same
time, he should respect her individuality. He should be better looking than
average, with an intellect, philosophical and totally masculine. He must also
be ambitious and able to handle tough situation with poise. After she will get
committed, a Scorpio female will shower you with all her love and attention. Her
whole life will start revolving around him and she will be extremely loyal and
exceedingly passionate. She will be extremely jealous and fiercely possessive
of her loved ones. She will be prone to suspicious; on the other hand, her
husband will have to control his jealousy, since she will be attracting a lot
of members of the opposite sex. She will also dislike being possessed by
anyone, including him. Her husband should always remember that a Scorpio woman
will always be loyal and devoted to him, even in the worst of circumstances. As
far as money is concerned, she will enjoy it whether she saves it in a piggy
bank or splurges it on luxurious things. She will be very conscious of her
social standards and will never compromise in case of status. She will like
power and will sacrifice money and many other things for it. She will look to
be very practical, but inside she will be very emotional. Like all Scorpios,
she will not see any viewpoint in case of her own emotions.

She will passionate with
everything that is related to her. It will almost impossible for her to have
neutral feelings. Either she will deeply cherish or fiercely hate. If any of
the feelings will not be experienced, she will become completely indifferent
towards it. However, Scorpio women will never let these feelings show. Her
expression will always remain neutral, betraying nothing. Her anger will be
very bad and it will be better to get out of her way when it gets out of hand.
Her characteristics profile will make her storehouse of secrets, but people
wouldn’t know any of hers. Her personal life will be out of bounds for
everyone. At the same time, she will never tell the secrets that have been
confided in her, not even to her husband. Even with him, she will have a
private part and its better not to pry. It will not mean that she will be
dishonest. In fact, she will be so brutally honest that, at times, she may hurt
people in the process. Like a typical Scorpio, she will choose her friends very
carefully and the credible ones will remain with her throughout her life. She
will never maintain a relationship with unworthy people.

Determination and will
power will be her basic personality traits. She can use them anytime to come
out of anything that is negative. If a man will be able to win the true love of
a Scorpio female, he can be sure that he will never feel lonely again. She will
be totally devoted to him and even if they may not get married for any reasons
beyond their control, her love for him will not change. She will be one of
those who believe in the phrase `Till Death Do Us Apart’. Rather than
overshadowing her husband, she will believe in supporting him. `Behind every
successful man, there is a woman’; this idiom will be perfect in case of the
husband who has a Scorpio wife. For her, the future, the happiness and the
dreams of her husband will hold the supreme importance. She will always defend
him fiercely in public and won’t take nicely to anyone taking advantage of him.
She will always encourage him to reach for the stars, build his courage and
never let him turn back from midway. Scorpio women will love their homes and
keep them spick and span.

A Scorpio female will have
a sense of fairness and justice. As a mother, she will be extremely possessive
of her children and will care for them. However, she may not express her love
openly and this is something which her husband will have to teach her. She will
make them independent, fair, strong and proud of themselves, the way she is of
them. She will encourage them to develop their innate talents and make sure
they don’t go unnoticed.

A Scorpio woman can drown
him in her passion. But then, she can also bring him to safety when the raft
becomes too dicey. She can provide him her calm and steady support in the worst
of circumstances. Once he wins her love, he will never be lonely again. His
food will be perfectly baked and she will grind fresh coffee for him. He will
always come back to a spotless home, radiating with the aura of her magnetic
personality, the charm of her deep beauty and the warmth of her everlasting

In short Scorpio woman
will be very emotional, very demanding and very demonstrative. She will be full
of flair and intrigue, a fascinating woman that the strong A-type personality
male will adore, for whom she will present the right amount of challenge with
the right amount of rewards. She will be the ultimate seductive, flirtatious
woman who will not give a man her heart very easily because she will be weary
of trusting another person. The man will have to go through a series of `mental
tests’ in order for the relationship to get solid and close. She may not show
it, but she will need a close committed relationship. To get her trust, the man
will have to be trusted, has to be affectionate and never try to control her.
She will be very possessive but the Scorpio woman will be so full of mystery,
sensuality and passion that most men will not mind being possessed by her.


Dr. Shanker Adawal
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