Description of knowing daily constellation
If one has to know the constellation of a particular day in a particular month
he should count from the heginned of kartik to the month before the target
month. Double the figure so obtained. Add to it the date of the target time. If
the total is more than 27 leave it as 27. If it is dark portion count from ashninak
shatra and if it is light portion count from sawat constellation. The digit on
which the number comes to an and will be the constellation of that particular
Name and order of constellations
Constellations are 28 in number described
in any prevalent almanac in terms of ghari and pal according to the dates of
each months. Of these there is one unnamed constellation him which is not taken
in counting due to its first movement. Its number is twenty second. The
remaining 27 are clear mentioned in Alananacs. Greeks call them destinations of
Moon where in all bodies rotate at their fixed time. The timings of
constellations are collated from the time of Sun rise.
Dr. A. Shanker