Planets significations, body part, disease ruled, seasons & their places
(Significance) Father, bone, eye, kingdom, ruby, soul, heart, Lord Shiva, temple, gold, healer/ doctor.
(Parts of Body) Stomach, bone, right eye, heart, belly, skin, head, body hair.
(Diseases Ruled) Diseases of right eye, heart, stomach, brain/ head, bone fracture, high fever.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Greeshma (Summer) Strong and tall trees.
(Place & direction of Residence) Shiva temple, open lighted place East.
(Significance) Mother, blood, mind, feelings, fast speed, lung, silver, pearl, water.
(Parts of Body) Lungs, mind, blood, left eye, breast, alimentary canal, body water, heart.
(Diseases Ruled) Diseases of lungs, heart, left eye, breasts, sleepiness, asthma, diarrhea, water born diseases, diabetes, menstrual disorders.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Varsha (Rainy), Climber, Creeper.
(Place & direction of Residence) Durga Temple, women’s room, water, medicine, liquor, NW.
(Significance) Young , brother, military, theft, cruelty, sin, fire, courage, wound.
(Parts of Body) Blood, marrow, genitals, neck, rectum, head, vitalities, veins.
(Diseases Ruled) Diseases of blood/ neck/ female organs/ urinals; heat stroke; poisoning; cuts/ wounds; tumor leprosy; blood pressure; cancer.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Greeshma (Summer) Thorny trees.
(Place & direction of Residence) Battlefield, fiery place, thief’s hideout South.
(Significance) Skin, windpipe, intelligent, Lord Vishnu, education, skill, pleasure place, astrologer, speech.
(Parts of Body) Nerves, skin, navel, spinal system, gall bladder, nose, ear.
(Diseases Ruled) Diseases of chest, nerves, mouth, skin; small/ chicken pox; epilepsy; madness; paralysis; fits; ulcers; deafness.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Sarad (Autumn) Leafy trees.
(Place & direction of Residence) Vishnu temple, wise people’s place, pleasure houses North.
(Significance) Wisdom, stomach, feet, wealth, elder brother, husband, state beneficiary son, priest, guru astrologer.
(Parts of Body) Thighs, fat, brain, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidney, memory, tongue, spleen.
(Diseases Ruled) Diseases of liver, kidney, pancreas, lung, thing, ear; diabetes; loss of memory; obesity; elephantiasis; insomnia.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Hemanta (Winter) Fruit bearing trees.
(Place & direction of Residence) Treasury, Peepal tree, residence of God’s and priests North- East.
(Significance) Woman, immoral, face, urinary organs, semen, comfort, pleasure, vehicle, jewelry, perfume, music, dance, trader.
(Parts of Body) Face, eyesight, semen, urine, throat, glands, water in body, reproductive organs.
(Diseases Ruled) Eye, venereal, face, throat diseases; fits; appendicitis; indigestion; impotency; glands; cataract; leucoderma; urinary.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Vasanta (Spring) Flowery Trees.
(Place & direction of Residence) Bed chamber, women’s room, prostitute’s house, dancing places South- East.
(Significance) Nerves, disease, long duration, death, service, agriculture, labor imprisonment, legs, longevity.
(Parts of Body) Legs, bones, muscles, limbs, teeth, skin, hair.
(Diseases Ruled) Teeth, skin, leg diseases; stomach pain; limb damage; bone fracture; rheumatism; blindness, wounds, paralysis; hysteria.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Shisir (cold winter) thorny bushes.
(Place & direction of Residence) Serf’s place, unholy and dirty places West.
(Significance) As of Saturn.
(Parts of Body) Feet, Breathing.
(Diseases Ruled) Lung trouble, cataract, hydrocele, spleen enlargement, feet problems, leprosy, food poisoning, ulcer, phobias.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) Tree stumps, dry, thorny bushes.
(Place & direction of Residence) Anthill, snake holes, dark holes South West.
(Significance) As of Mars.
(Parts of Body) Belly
(Diseases Ruled) Lungs, fever, eye pain, boils, stomach/ bodt pain, epidemics, wound in stomach, unknown diseases.
(Seasons & Vegetation type) As of Rahu.
(Place & direction of Residence) As of Rahu.
Shanker Adawal,,
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