Once you carefully evaluate the conditions and dominating planetary influences in the chart and Navamsha, as well as the Chandra Lagna and other charts you should be able to get an idea about the possible future events that are going to take place in your life. At the same time, you will be faced with a question of “When” will these events come about? You will most definitely like to know when can you expect that great job promotion or when should you watch out for your health. This brings us to the subject of techniques designed for timing the events.
2. Dasha System
The most important technique used for timing the future events is called Dashas. There are more than a few dasha systems, but the one most widely known and commonly practiced is Vimshottari Dasha system. Vimshottari dasha assigns a designated time span of influence to each Planet (planet) in a fixed sequence, with the complete cycles amounting to 120 years. In the modern time it is rare for a human to live past 120 so, naturally one is not going to go through the full cycle of Vimshottari dasha. Nevertheless, after the full cycle of 120 years is completed, it repeats itself in a set order.
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Each of the twenty- seven lunar Nakshatras is ruled by a particular Planet. Ketu rules the very first Nakshatra, Ashwani. The Nakshatra rulership sequence proceeds in this order: Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. Then again it starts with Ketu and repeats itself three times.
Time Span of each Dasha
Ketu Dasha is 7years long
Venus Dasha is 20 years long
Sun Dasha is 6 years long
Moon Dasha is 19 years long
Mars Dasha is 7 years long
Rahu Dasha is 18 years long
Jupiter Dasha is 16 year long
Saturn Dasha is 19 year long
Mercury Dasha is 17 years long
Although, the order of the planetary cycles is fixed, the commencement of a particular planetary cycle is individual and depends on the Moon’s Nakshatra placement in the horoscope.
The rest of the planetary cycles proceed in a fixed order. It is possible that an individual will not go through the whole cycle of the first planetary dasha, as depending on the degree of the Moon; one may be born in the middle of the end of the first dasha cycle.
Taking into account a considerable length of some of the planetary cycles, you might wonder could Venus dasha cycle keep producing the same results in one’s life for 20 years. Well it is not going to. Now we come to the topic of 5 levels of dashas. While the main dasha cycles can last for many years, as shown in the table above, there are four more dasha levels that are much shorter in length.
The major dasha cycles are called Maha dasha and the planets ruling them are referred to as Mahadasha lords. They provide general information about the person’s life within their designated cycle. The shorter planetary cycles are called sub- dashas, and they are the ones used to precisely and accurately time the events of one’s life.
3. Transits (Gochara)
The other event – timing technique that is used along with dasha cycles to accurate predict the times when certain events are going to take place is Gochara (Transits). Gochara deals with the subject of the ongoing movement of the planets referenced in relation to an individual chart. Just as your birth chart represents the planetary positions as they were at the moment of your birth, so does the Transit chart show the current planetary positions in relation to the planetary position at the time of your birth. It is also advisable to evaluate the transit chart in relation to the planetary positions of the Chandra (Moon) chart.
Some of the time Planets move through the Zodiac much faster than others. The Moon, being the fastest, takes less than a month to go through all the twelve signs, while Saturn, the slowest Planet, takes about 29 and a half years to complete one circle of the Zodiac, which means that Saturn will spend about two and a half year transiting each of the houses in your chart.
The constant motion of the Planets through the Zodiac brings them into interplay with the elements of your birth chart. As the planets “transit” through the houses of the horoscope and pass over the planetary chart positions, they interact with the significations of the planets, signs and houses, influencing the condition of the horoscope.
Depending on the nature of the planets and their positions in a particular birth chart, the effect of the transits can be mild, favorable, or even outright negative. Also it is obvious that the transit effect of the slow moving Saturn are going to be much more profound than the transit of the fast moving Moon.
Therefore, for a purpose of predicting long term trends in your life you should pay attention to the transits of the slow moving Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
Rahu and Ketu are always separated by 180 degrees; therefore, they are always seven constellations away from each other. For example currently (April, 2003) Rahu is transiting through the sign of Taurus and Ketu is transiting through the sign of Scorpio. They will remain in these Rashis (signs) until August 2003. As you know the nodes move in a backward motion, so in September 2003, Rahu will move from Taurus into Aries and Ketu will move from Scorpio into the sign of Libra.
Rising sign is Virgo, that means until August 2003 Rahu will be transiting over the 9th house of chart (in relation to his Ascendant). Likewise, Ketu will be transiting the 3rd house of his birth chart.
You should also remember to evaluate transits from the Chandra Lagna as well. Transits form the Moon’s position will provide additional clues for predicting life trends.
Natal Moon is placed in the sign of Pisces. Therefore, Rahu will be transiting the 3rd house of his Chandra Lagna chart (from the Moon). Ketu will be transiting the 9th house from his Moon upto Aug.,2003.
The other two slow moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn, are currently transiting through the sign of Cancer & Gemini, respectively.
Jupiter takes about 12 years to complete one full cycle around the Zodiac, so it spends on an average 1 year in each sign. Jupiter will remain in the sign of Taurus until July 2003 and then it will leave move into the sign of Leo. So until July 2003, Jupiter will be transiting the 11th house of Hayashi’s birth (from the Ascendant) and the 5th house from the Moon.
Saturn will remain in Gemini for another year and a half (upto 5.9.2004). Saturn is occupying Gemini; therefore it is transiting the 10th house from the Ascendant and the 4th house from the Moon. Saturn will remain over these houses until 5.9.2004.
When evaluation effects, you should consider the natural signification of the transiting planets, along with their lordship of the houses in the birth chart and Chandra Lagna, as well as the significations of the houses through which the planets are transiting (again from the Ascendant from the Moon).
During its transit over one of the houses in the horoscope, Jupiter’s natural significations along with its functional significations, which arise from its ruler- ship over particular houses of the horoscope, will influence the conditions of the area of the life represented by the house, which Jupiter is transiting. At the same time Jupiter will also influence the areas of the life signified by the houses which it is expecting through its transit position. In turn, the gochara house and sign placement will influence the Planet’s significations, i.e. Jupiter will behave differently when transiting through various signs/ houses of the horoscope and the same logic applies to all other Planet’s transits.
3.1 Sade Sati
As we have previously mentioned, it is important to evaluate transits from the Moon as well as from the Ascendant. A well known transit cycle known as Sade Sati illustrates the importance of viewing transits from the Moon. Sade Sati is a seven and a half years long cycle during which Saturn transits through the 12th, 1st, and 2nd constellations/ house from the Moon’s position in the birth chart.
Generally people to perceive Sade Sati in a very negative light. The cycle is said to fill one’s life with unpleasant responsibilities, negative occurrences and sorrow. In order to comprehend the mechanics of Sade Sati, try to think of it in terms of the natural significations of the Moon and Saturn, of which the first one is the natural signification of your state of mind and emotions, while the latter one is the natural signification of restriction and grief. This help to understand how Saturn’s influence on the natal Moon could negatively affect the mental state, give rise to frustration and create a pessimistic disposition.
Sade Sati may bring about a loss of family member, a grandparent or even a parent. On an average, people go through 3 Sade Sati cycle in a lifetime, as the cycle repeats itself once every 29 and half years. In India there is a belief that a person loses grandparents during the first Sade Sati, parents during the second Sade Sati and loses his own life during the third cycle. This belief is of course, greatly generalized. Principles of Ashtakavarga are applied before assuring the effect of safe Sade Sati.
Traditionally, Indian astrologers recommend wearing an iron ring on the middle finger during a Sade Sati as a means to appease Saturn and ward off negative influence of the dreaded cycle. Of course, it is not advisable for everyone to wear an iron ring. The chart should be carefully examined before a recommendation is made.
Shanker Adawal
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One reply on “Learn Vedic Astrology – Lesson III”
Indian Astrology May 6, 2011 at 6:58 am
Indian astrology is science, which gives scientific results based on placement of the nine planets in any of the twelve houses or bhava’s in a horoscope. In good old days Rishi Munni’s had divya gyan and complete knowledge of the placement of all the planets through which they could predict and tell everything about the past, present & future of an individual.