I Planetary periods:
1 Time taken (rounded to years) by a planet to come to same degree of the zodiac (longitude), latitude and declination is given below:
2 All planets aspect the 7H (180o /240o ), aspects 3/10H (60o / 270o ), aspects 4/8H (120o /210o ). In addition 10th aspect (270o ) of all planets be considered.
3 By using above table longitude of a planet at subsequent year can be calculated roughly by:
= Natal long. of a planet + (Age of native x Avg. motion per yr. for the planet).
a) When the transiting planet/s arrived at by this method aspect the natal planet by conj., opposition or its relevant aspect with the degree of the natal planete – the native gets the maximum result of the planet/s as per their Karkattwas and lordship of the houses concerned.
II Years of prosperity:
1 Planets having benefic disposition gives approximate years (+/- 1 yr.) of prosperity, from above table, keeping in view aspects, the years of prosperity by various planets are as follows:
a) – 9, 18, 27, 36.
b) – 8, 16, 24…
c) – 7, 14, 28, 35, 42 etc. Similarly for other planets
d) For afflicted planets, the same becomes years of adversity. Or afflicted by the periods of adversity are – 15, 22.5, 30, …etc.
e) If and both have benefic disposition one is successful at all the times.
f) (18 yrs.) & (12 yrs.) both have benefic disposition, years of prosperity is every six years are – 6,12,18,24,…etc.
g) (18 yrs.) and (8 yrs.) are benefic disposed 9th and 4th year are prosperity years – 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24, 27, 28,…etc.
h) If (16 yrs.) and (12 yrs.) both have benefic disposition, years of prosperity, keeping in view ‘s 5th aspect, is every four years. Similarly for and both being benefic disposed.
III Lucky/Unlucky days:
1 Lucky days are:
a) When or (unafflicted in natal) transits XC, IC or IIC.
b)When transit 3/11 or 5/9 to the natal – especially when they are in good aspect in natal chart.
c)When or transits exactly conj., 3/11 or 5/9 to strong LL, or in ther natal chart.
d) A parallel between (on the same side of the equator or on the opposite side) two benefic – lucky days.
2 A day is unlucky when:
a) is at square or opposition to the natal planet, more so if it is adversely placed in natal.
b) in conj., square or opposition i.e., Kendra to or, more so if they are afflicted in the natal.
Shanker Adawal
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