I Eclipses:
1 Eclipses are special kind of transit in which and are involved along with ‘s nodes.
2 Intersection of ‘s path and the ecliptic (‘s path) – two sensitive nodal points. The North nodal point is and the South nodal point is. When and come sufficiently close to those nodes an eclipse occur. Types of eclipses:
II Interpreting Eclipses:
1 These transits i.e. eclipse points are `energy junctions’ – positive or negative depending on the position of Lagna, XC and planets w.r.t. the eclipse point. Eclipses give lot of information regarding affairs of the individual and of nations.
2 Eclipse affect individual only when it fall on natal planets, Lagna or XC (mid-heaven) provided some good or bad is indicated in the natal chart as per D/AD.
3 Conjunctions, squares (4/10) and oppositions (1/7) are usually unfavorable; and sextiles (3/11) and trines (5/9) are favorable.
III Position of Eclipse and their results:
1 An eclipse in conjunction with a natal planet weaken the signification of that planet in natal chart. This indicates troubles.
2 Ecliopse on opposition in natal chart increases the power of that planet and opposition point of that planet gets decreased.
3 Solar eclipse has more effect in male chart than Lunar eclipse; vice versa for female chart.
4 Depending upon no. of hours of the eclipse the effect will last for equivalent no. of years incase of Solar eclipse and for so many months for Lunar eclipse.
5 Thus events related to the eclipse seldom coincide with the eclipse – difference may be in several months – judicious and cautiouis approach in interpreting effects of eclipses is required.
IV House wise interpretation:
1 In the following aspect also include conjunction.
2 The eclipses falling in conjunction, squares-4/10 or opposition-1/7 with importantn points, namely, Lag., and XC – unfavorable results, while in sextile-3/11 or trine-5/9 with important point – favorable results.
3 In case eclipse in favorable aspect of a house – auspicious fructification of the house signification; other wise destruction of house signification unless strong benefic association.
Shanker Adawal
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