VII Downfall on 24.3.77 and death on 31.10.84: In case of down fall or adverse events ‘s transit coupled with eclipses be studied. On 24.3.77 and on 31.10.84 dasha schemes were operative. These transits are shown below:
D1 Chart (with transit on 24.3.77 in grey):
D1 Chart (with transit on 31.10.84):
VII Loss of husband: Indira’s husband died on 9 Sep 1960. The transit at that time superimposed on natal chart is given below.
D1 Chart (with transit on 9.9.60 in grey):
1 From SP of Indira’s BH:
(SP of)x(Bindu in 7th from in BAV)x1/27
134x2x1/27 Q=9 & Rem=25th (P. Bha.)
134x2x1/12 Q=22 & rem=4 (Cancer)
SatR is afflicting Scorpio trinal to Cancer. Mar is also afflicting Scorpio a sign trinal to Cancer. Both inauspicious – causing death of spouse.
IX This analysis can be carried on from annual Chart analysis also.
Vedic Astrology Prediction Sheet – Varshaphala (Annual Chart) Background Sheet No. 1/1
I Annual Chart (AC):
1 Take day, TOB as d h m s.
2 Add Dhruva-anka for the completed years (from Table in Ephemeris) – Varsha Pravesh (Solar Return-time when returns to its original position) – day and time.
3 From ephemeris find nearest date for above day and than calculate Asc., planet’s longitude etc. for the date and above time – AC.
4 Add Dhruva-anka for one year to the Vrasha Pravesh – AC for the next year and so on.
II Muntha:
1 (Lag. Sign of BH + Completed years)/12 – remainder Rth sign counted from Aries – sign where the Muntha is placed. It moves one sign or 30o in a year or 2o 30’ in a month or 5’ per day.
2 Muntha or ML is:
a) Good in 9/10/11H
b) Adverse in 6/8/12H and 4/7H
c) Native own effort in 1/1/3/5H
d) Muntha associated with benefic or its lord – good of the house where it is posited.
e) Analyze Muntha in BH also.
Shanker Adawal
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