India and Foreign Countries: When there are 10 degrees of Leo ascendant or Singh lagan in
India there are 15 degrees of Aquarius lagan in the USA. When a difference
occurs in lagan the characteristics and dimensions of all stars will certainly
become different. Principles of astrology depend on the characteristics of
lagan. An astrologer must be conversant in eliciting the correct location and stage of stars by observing the
celestial horizon and knowing which star is located and where.
Cause of Error in Horoscope: One of the causes of error in generating a horoscope is
people’s unfamiliarity with the correct local time in the city they live in.
There are clocks and clock towers in abundance, but a clock giving accurate time
is very rare. Even experienced astrologers and star watchers do not have sound
knowledge of the celestial horizon and middle point where the time is calculated
through the passage of stars. Those who observe the motion of stars whether in the East or West direction, determine the exact point of their location from the
middle point. They can determine the time through speculation, even on cloudy
Deviations and Objections: Those who object to astrology may consider the fact that if
an error is possible in generating a birth horoscope astrological calculations
also may get disturbed due to an error of locating the positions of stars. Before generating a horoscope one should understand that the
horoscopes prepared nowadays are generally inadequate and do not follow the
appropriate astrological principles. When such an incomplete horoscope reaches
the hands of an unknowledgeable and simpleton person he interprets it wrongly.
Thus an accurate horoscope combined with the astrologer’s scant knowledge
produces dangerous results.
In case such an astrologer makes an ominous interpretation
his client is displeased and shirks away from paying the astrologer’s fee. Our
new generation considers astrology an awkward and senseless knowledge, hence
it is unreliable. Then the poor astrologers begin to predict pleasing things
just for the sake of saving their livelihood, so that people part with some cash. However, some unwise and shortsighted
persons bring a bad name to this spiritual and divine science and dub it as
baseless and irrelevant.
Dr. A. Shanker