Mars acts on the extremes – either soft like a wax or hard like a stone. The Sun, Moon and Jupiter are his friends, whereas Mercury and Ketu are his enemies. Rahu and Saturn are neutral to Mars. The first cycle of Mars runs between the ages 28 and 33, the 2nd between 63 and 68 years and the 3rd between 98 and 103 years. The 1st and 8th houses are the own houses of Mars and he gets exalted in the 10th house. 4th house is his debilitation. Mars acts as a malefic in the 4th and 8th houses, but he is benefic if placed in the 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12th houses.
Mars is the signification of sex, brothers, land and property and rules over the animal instincts in man. A benefic Mars offers, self confidence, sharp wit, faculty of argumentation and adventurous spirit, strong determination and qualities of leadership in all human pursuits. On the contrary, a weak and afflicted Mars makes the native lose temper quickly, fool hardy, quarrelsome and brutal. Such a Mars makes the native a sexual pervert.
The general effects and remedial measures of Mars can be delineated as follows:
Mars in 1st House
Mars in the 1st house makes the native good natured, truthful and richer from the 28th year of age. He wins favours from the government and victory against the enemies without much effort. He earns large profits from the business associated with Saturn i.e., iron, wood, machinery etc. And the relatives represented by Saturn i.e., nephews, grandsons, uncles etc.
Spontaneous curses from the mouth of such a native will never go waste. Association of Saturn with Mars provides physical trouble to the native.
1. Avoid the acceptance of things free of cost or in charity.
2. Avoid evil deeds and telling lies.
3. Association with saints and Faqirs will prove very harmful.
4. Things of ivory will give very adverse effects. Avoid them.
Mars in 2nd House
The native with Mars in the 2nd house is generally the eldest issue of his parents, or else he or she would always like to be treated so. But living and behaving like a younger brother would prove highly beneficial and ward off several evils automatically. Mars in this house provides great wealth and properties from the in-law’s family. Mars negative here makes the native a snake in disguise for others and causes his death in war or quarrels.
Mars with Mercury in the 2nd house weakens the will power and undermines the importance of the native.
1. The business associated with Moon, e.g., trade in cloth, will provide great prosperity, hence strengthen Moon.
2. Ensure that your in-law’s make arrangements for providing drinking water facilities to the common people.
3. Keep deer skin in the house.
Mars in 3rd House
The 3rd house is affected by Mars and Mercury, who provide brothers and sisters to the native i.e., he will not be the only issue of his parents. Others will be highly benefited from the native, but he will not be able to receive benefit from others. Humbleness will bring rewards. In-laws will become richer and richer after the native’s marriage. The native believes in the principle “eat, drink and be merry” and suffers from blood disorders.
1. Be soft hearted and avoid arrogance. Be good to brothers for prosperity.
2. Keep articles of ivory with you.
3. Put on silver ring in the left hand.
Mars in 4th House
The 4th house is overall the property of Moon. The fire and heat of Mars in this house burns the cold water of Moon i.e., the properties of the Moon are adversely affected. The native loses peace of mind and suffers from jealousy to others. He always misbehaves with his younger brothers. The native’s evil mission gets strong destructive powers. Such a native affects the life of his mother, wife, mother-in-law etc. very adversely. His anger becomes the cause of his overall destruction in various aspects of life.
1. Offer sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree and put that wet soil on your navel.
2. To avoid havoc from fire, place empty bags of sugar on the roof of your house, shop or factory.
3. Always keep a square piece of silver with you.
4. Keep away from black, one-eyed or disabled person.
Mars in 5th House
The 5th house belongs to the Sun, who is a natural friend of Mars. Hence Mars ensures very good results in this house. The sons of the native becomes instruments of wealth and fame for him. His prosperity increases manifold after the birth of sons. The things and relatives represented by Venus and Moon will prove beneficial in every manner. Someone from his forefathers must have been a doctor or Vaidya.
The prosperity of the native will continue to grow more and more with the growth in age. But romance and emotional affairs with the opposite sex will prove highly disastrous for the native, which will destroy his mental peace and night sleep too.
1. Maintain a good moral character.
2. Keep water in a pot below the head side of your bed at night and drop it in a flower pot in the morning.
3. Offer Shraddha to your ancestors and plant a Neem tree in the house.
Mars in 6th House
This house belongs to Mercury and Ketu. Both are mutual enemies and inimical to Mars also. Hence Mars in this house will keep himself away from both. The native will be courageous, adventurous, lover of justice and powerful enough to set fire into water. He will be highly benefited by the trade and business associated with Mercury. His pen will wield more power than the sword. If Sun, Saturn and Mars are placed together in one house, the brothers, mother, sisters and wife will be affected very adversely.
1. Distribute salty preparations in place of sweets on the birth of a male child.
2. His brothers should keep the native happy by offering him something or the other for their protection and prosperity. But if he does not accept such things, the same should be thrown in water.
3. The male children of the native should not wear gold.
4. Adopt remedies of Saturn for family comfort. Worship Ganeshji for parents’ health and destruction of enemies.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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