Dr. Shanker Adawal
Nullifying ill-effects: Some opinions
Before making a final decision of Kuja Dosh on any native, the disposition and combination (the Yoga) of all planets, Rashis and Drishti, should be studied thoroughly in detail. A minute negligence in the study of the details will bring extremely fallacious predictions. In reference to Mangal Dosh astrologer should always study deeply on the following combinations. It is widely believed that in these dispositions there are no residual Mangal Dosh as they get cancelled with the influence of benefic factors in the birth chart:-
(a) If Mars is in fourth or seventh Bhava and Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn sign fall in these houses.
(b) (b) If Mangal is disposed with strong Moon, Jupiter or Mercury in Lagna, second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth Bhava.
(c) If Taurus or Libra signs fall in seventh or fourth Bhava having Mars.
(d) If Gemini or Virgo sign falls in the second house occupied by Mars.
(e) For Leo Lagna, if Mars joins seventh house.
(f) If Mars of own sign is in seventh, fourth, eighth or twelfth Bhava.
(g) If Mars joins the fourth house identical with Libra or Taurus.
(h) If eighth house Mars is in Sagittarius or Pisces.
(i) If twelfth house Mars is in Virgo, Gemini, Taurus or Libra.
Special Comments based on our own experience – There are so many position of Mars, where the Kuja Dosh appears to be cancelled according to many research scholars. These views vary from scholar to scholar, but our experience is that evils of Mars never get cancelled fully. The evils may at the most get reduced or minimized if corrective measures are undertaken. WE have observed Mars doing harm in all positions. So it is our sincere advice that we should not neglect Kuja Dosh. The intensity can and should be properly judged and weighed. For example, Mars in Leo in the 12th house will not be as harmful as Mars in Cancer in the 7th or 8th house.
Evils of Mars or Kuja Dosh as discussed earlier are often wrongly understood by the common man that if a non-mangali gets married to a mangali partner, he or she will die as a result of that marriage. This is absolutely a false and misguiding view. If any of the partner dies or separation takes place, this does not necessarily mean that either of the couple has Kuja Dosh. There are many other combinations of planets leading to unhappy married life, discord and disharmony. We cannot blame Kuja Dosh only for all cases of tragedy in married life.
Many writers have dealt with Kuja Dosh at length as applicable for each ascendant. An essence of that is presented in this chapter. These two points should always be kept in mind:-
First, the position of Mars, where this has been said to be cancelled, neutralized or becomes ineffective. If so placed Mars comes in opposition to Jupiter or in association with Jupiter, the evils of Mars should be treated as many times increased. Several case studies have proved it. This is dealt with in detail in the chapter-Re-understanding of Jupiter in Marital Life.
The econd point worth considering is the position of Saturn in opposition or in association with Mars. This will also enhance the evils of Mars. Under such conditions, rules of neutralization of Kuja Dosh do not hold good.