Mars & Mercury: Mercury & Nadi Astrology, Chapter XXV, Part – 6


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Mercury in Pisces, Jupiter and Dragon-Tail in Cancer, Mars in Scorpio. In this connection Dragon-Tail and Mars are in trinal aspects. Hence, Mercury will have to overcome major (two) inimical planets Dragon-Tail and Mars and hence it is an indication that the native’s intellect cannot work even though Jupiter is exalted in the same north direction. Because Jupiter is in Retro motion, the native’s knowledge and intellect goes down. Anyhow, at some time, during his sojourn of life, while coming across a Guru (a learned Master), the progress and prosperity of the native comes to surface.

One the younger brother/sister of the native enjoys happiness, but sometimes some litigation appears on the surface, but due to some cooperation and influencing factors, problems gets solved and leading to prosperity and happiness.

Near the birth place of the native there will be an old temple, pertaining to the Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Vinayaka.

Mercury is debilitated, but the is retro in position. When he becomes retro he will have the rear aspect towards Aquarius, where Aquarius is occupied by Saturn and Dragon-Head. They are close friends to Mercury and hence the strength of Mercury does not go down completely.

The native enjoys good profitability in business affairs. One of the younger brother/sister of the native will have bad association.

Jupiter, Sun and Dragon-Tail with debilitated Mercury and hence, the native, although in the initial stages of life may have bad associations, but subsequent periods of life improves, changes, becomes quite a prominent person, besides having some political influences too. At his ages of 35-36 pt 54 (here ages are considered according to Transit of Jupiter).

Near the birth place of the native, there will be an old temple (pertaining to the Lord Maha Vishnu) where some Divine radiation still exists. The native hails from a reputable family.

Mercury is Pisces, who is with Dragon-Tail and Moon in Virgo with Dragon-Head. Here, Moon has to suffer resulting in disturbances in mental faculties/hallucinations (Moon is mind) and Mercury the planet of intellect is under the control of Dragon-Tail (Dragon Tail is the enemy of Mercury) so, on one there is destruction of intellect and on the other side, mind is under the control of Demon. Power (Dragon-Head) and hence mind and intellect, both failing in their functions. “As is the mother, so is the native.”

Mercury in Pisces, Moon and Mars in Cancer and Dragon – Tail in Scorpio. So, Mercury and Mars, both are debilitated. Those four planets are in North according to directional aspects.

Therefore Mercury + Moon + Mars + Dragon-Tail the native’s mental tortures, unhappiness, debilitation of intellect all leading to the native suffer a tragic life.

One of the sister/brother of the native also suffers tragic life.

Mercury is exalted, Dragon-Tail in Capricorn & Mars in Taurus. All three planets are in south. So, Mercury + Dragon-Tail + Mars combination. Mercury even though is exalted is not helpful to native, because of obstruction/impedimental aspects.

Shanker Adawal

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