Moon and its Effects in Vedic Astrology Part 2

Shanker Adawal


In considering work and
its attendant, failure of success, the tenth house is of considerable
importance, and any planets in this house have to be considered as well as the
position of the moon. Many people, if there are houses which do not contain any
planets-leaping to the conclusion that the departments of life so governed by
these houses must remain blank for him. This is illogical. He should not
conclude that if it is the seventh house, for instance, he will never get married
because of the same rationale of thought, if the fourth and tenth houses are
devoid of planets, he would have had no mother or father. Houses containing
certainly affect life much more than houses without any, but the planet
governing the sign of the cusp of any empty house may be so strongly placed by
sign, house and elevation, that it projects its influence onto the vacant
house. So, although we must fire consider planets in the tenth house as major
significators of occupation, if no planets are there it is not always
detrimental. According to aspects, it may well mean that the person has
difficulties in holding down a job for any length of time, or has an allergy to
work because he prefers to slide through life relying on friends to support

If there is a good
unafflicted planet in the tenth house, the next consideration in assessing the
working potential is to consider any planet in the second house because this is
connected with money. The normal second house ruler is Venus but, according to
the position of the planet on the horizon at the time of birth, known as the
Ascendant, the house of Taurus, ruled by Venus, will be changed. For financial
results from work it takes a good aspect to the second house to bring the money
into your bank account. A point to be considered in work is whether you are
going to be employed by someone or be self-employed. If you are in the position
when you need an employer, then it is hopeful that you have a good aspect from
the sixth house ruling employment to the tenth as well as the second. An ideal
astrological layout has to be backed up with some energy and motivation from
the subject himself. Mars affects the energy, but the moon affects the mental
attitude toward work. No single planet alone affects work, but its sign, house
position, and aspects give some clues as to the occupation which the subject
will find most congenial.

The moon rules the female
but Venus rules young women and girls, so a combination of these two planets
may influence the occupation so that we find women as cosmeticians. Beauty
parlour operators, dress makers and dress saleswomen. All these occupations are
not, however, exclusive to women but generally, if a male is in this work, he
will have a strong affinity to the moon and Venus at least, enough to make him
relate to the more feminine things of life.

The moon rules liquids, of
which oil is one type, and Neptune governs
occupations connected with oil, so this aspect would be very good for anyone
with the inclination to take up a career in the oil business, even if he does
not become a tycoon. The moon rules the personality and who can deny that there
are many occupations which rely on this characteristic? If it appears in the
second house trining a planet in the tenth house, it is a good indication that
the subject will be successful in his work. The most simple rule to follow in
assessing work is to consider the planets in the tenth, second, and sixth
houses, and then apply a lot of common sense in the interpretation. The more
charts an astrologer prepares and studies, the more he is able to apply common
sense to his technical skill in analyzing the chart.

Some people succeed
through trial and error in finding their right profession, but going through
years in the wrong field is not smart, although it may add some needed
experience to the karma of the subject. All too many people lead a hard life,
always working without any enjoyment in it, and retire with thankfulness only
to find that the accumulated tension built up by being a square peg in a round
hole forces them into the grave. Exceptionally talented people will somehow
find their niche and the type of work which is a joy to them, and others by
sheer will power make good in a difficult vocation.

How much one should accept
the wrong working life is not always within the free will of the person
concerned. His hatred of his job may be overruled by the nee to provide for a
family, an aged relation, or a sick child. Then, hopefully, he tries to bear
it, with the end product of money being the consolation for personal

If you are considering a
working life in partnership with another, then it is better to find someone who
has his moon in the same position as the sun is within your own chart. It also
helps to have Jupiter, the planet of expansion, in conjunction to the sun,
moon, ascendant or mid-heaven of the other. These are basic indications of a
successful partnership.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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