Moon in Yoga Configuration Part 3

Shanker Adawal                                                                  

Part 3

of planets in 2nd and 12th Moon is said to form Kemadruma
– Yoga a bad Yoga (please note the native becomes obscure, miserable, base,
though born in a king’s house.

Garga opines that if Moon occupies a Kendra position from Lagna or is
associated with Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus or Saturn in Kendra, this Yoga is

Varaha Mihira, rejects this view, and holds that the Moon with the malefic or
in a Kendra to Mercury, Venus or Jupiter also do not favour cancellation of
this Yoga, except with Mars or Saturn in Kendra to Moon. He had a soft corner
for Mercury, Jupiter and Venus, being natural benefics. The effects shall be
felt with a pinch of salt, when malefic conjoin benefics.

Jataka praises Moon aspecting Jupiter for a day birth which makes one wealthy
while for a night birth. Moon aspecting Venus, makes one happy. When all the
benefics are in the Upachaya houses (3rd, 6th, 10th
and 11th) from the ascendant, the person shall be immensely rich,
when the three benefics mercury, Jupiter and Venus be in Upchaya houses from
the Moon the person will be an ordinary landlord. When there are two benefics
in these houses, one shall possess moderate wealth. In case of only one
benefic, one shall  have little wealth
(hand to mouth). If no benefic no land or house. The main point to ponder over
these Yogas is that the great Varaha Mihira has authoritatively stated that
even if there are other malefic Yoga even then the efficacy of this Yoga will
prevail. By this, the sage has complimented the Upchaya position of the
benefics from Moon since he does not agree to mitigation or annihilation of
kemadrumayoga by Kendra position or association of planets like Mars, Mercury,
Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, as annunciated by sage Garga.

am of the view that Kema-druma-yoga is not so dreaded as looked down upon,
while the position of benefics in Upchaya houses (3rd, 6th,
10th and 11th) from Moon shall mitigate if it do not
completely alleviate.

chart is adduced to elucidate my contention. The native is a Virgo born with
Rahu in Lagna, Mars in the 6th, Moon, Ketu in the 7th,
Saturn in the 8th and the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in the 9th.
All the three benefics (Mercury Jupiter and Venus) are in Upchaya position from
the Moon. The unsullied lagna and 10th lord Mercury joins Venus (9th
lord) in the 9th, forming Karam-Dharam Yoga. Jupiter lord of 4th
and 7th avoiding Kendra-Dhipati-Dosha joins the Yoga to enhance its

in the 6th and the Saturn in the 8th have mutually exchanging
places, to form Viparita Raja-yoga, in addition to formation of Durudhura-yoga
(Mars and Saturn being in 2nd and 12th to Moon). The
native had an ordinary service career since debilitated Saturn aspects 10th
houses. Mars (3rd and 8th lord a direr-malefic for Virgo)
aspects the planets forming the Yoga. He is now running Venus Maha Dasa and
lost wealth in business (run in the name of his wife) while the native was in

B. V. Raman writes, in Bhavartha Ratnaka that a Virgo nativity loses wealth in
Venus Dasha. But another view goes thus;

Kanya Lagne Jatasya Bhrigoh Chandra
Sambandho Yadi Vidheta Raveh Dare

In case of Kanya Lagan natives, when sun is related to Venus or the Moon by
mutual conjunction or aspect, etc. the native will have access to wealth during
Sun’s Dasa.

native owns landed property worth lacs of rupees, a spacious house a self made
factory. He is doing well with his own job these days. Such Dasa must elevate
him in his business.

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