This report will grade your current or potential relationship, included will be your report card with your compatibility scores in 8 different categories. A score of 100 is average. A score above 100 indicates that the trait is strong, and a score below 100 indicates that the trait is weak.
This week’s scenario is highlighted by your need to get a better perspective on things. Make the effort to understand what is going on by having sensitive discussions. You need to get ready to accept all the good things that are coming your way, because this is a perfect time for new starts and there are indications of fabulous financial conditions. Your mate could seem unpredictable to you. You might be tempted to let go of the relationship for all the wrong reasons. Look deeper in order to understand motivations. Start projects that bring more beauty into your home and lifestyle. Financial situations with groups and friends may demand your time & careful attention. Don’t let funds run through your fingers, especially as expenses with land and property rises. Take this step-by-step. Finish one thing before you start another.