Planets and Doctor Profession Part 2

Shanker Adawal

Part 2

to Varaha Mihira Ravi has an acknowledged rulership over medical profession. In
Vrischika or Dhanus he makes one a doctor. Mars occupying 3rd house
or Budha’s houses is a relevant factor for surgeons. Ravi in conjunction or in
trine to Mars, either in powerful aspect with Guru, signifies medicine. Ravi in
trine to nodes or in conjunction with them; Mars in conjunction with Rahu; Sani
as lord of 10 in trine to Rahu and Mars trine Nodes make one a doctor.
According to Kalidasa vide Sloka 53 of Khanda 5 Ketu is the significator for
medical profession:

addition to above following are some of the constant factors:

1. Ravi with Sani in
any house.

2. Sani aspects Ravi
in any house.

3. Ravi in Sani’s

4. Sani and Rav in
mutual Kendras.

5. Sani and Ravi

6. Sani as lord of 10
posited in 6th (Mesha/Vrishabha Lagnas)

7. Ravi in trine to
Mars powerfully aspected by Guru.

8. Ravi Mars, Budha
and Guru inter-related.

9. Ravi in trine to

10. Ravi with Ketu, or
Mars with Rahu.

11. Sani as lord of 10th
in trine to Ravi, or Mars trine Nodes.

12. Lords of 1 and 10
related to each other.

13. Mars in Upachayas.

14. Sani conjunct Guru
in 7 to powerful Ravi.

15. 10th
lord related to 6th lord or 6th Bhava.

16. Venus in Makara or
Kumbha aspected by Sani.

17. 4th
degree of Karkataka or Mesha or Makara or Tula as 10th Bhava, 10 to
22 degrees of Simha and Kumbha.

18. Moon and Mars when
stronger than other planets.

19. Malefics in 10
aspected by benefics.

20. Ravi + Moon +
Budha; Ravi + Moon + Venus; Ravi + Budha + Guru; Moon + Guru + Venus; Moon +
Mars + Budha + Guru.

21. Parivarthana of 9
and 12 lords.

22. Mesha, Simha,
Vrischika or Dhanus as 10th from lagna or Moon.

23. Relationship of
Ravi with Mars, Mars occupying constellations of Ravi or vice versa.

24. Aswani, Aslesha
Moola at birth.

25. Ravi in Dhanus,
Sani with Venus in 10th, Moon and lord of 4 in 10.

26. Bhavas 8 and 12
inter-related and aspected by Guru.

27. Ravi with Budha in
5th house.

28. When lords of 8 and
12 related, one will be a neuro surgeon.

29. Ravi + Venus in 12
or Ravi in Kendra to Moon – The horoscope is very productive.

30. Ravi, Budha and
Guru when related make one a doctor.

31. Taragrahas as
Atmakaraka posited in common Rasis make one a doctor.

32. Mars in Karkataka
in mutual aspect with exalted Sani in Tula makes one a famous surgeon. Both the
planets should occupy Kendras only.

33. Budha and Guru
asapect Karakamsa (Jaimini aspect) – the native becomes a doctor.

34. Budha and Rahu are
also associated with medical profession.

35. Atmakaraka
happening to be Ravi or Guru of Budha or Sani or Mars occupying Karakamsas as
common signs or the 3 fixed Rasis Simha, Vrischika and Kumbha make one a

now give some of the combinations of planets that go to make a doctor under the
twelve lagnas for guidance of the readers.

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