At the output I must tell you that all consulters, whatever the status may be the first and leading question put to the Astrologer is what is the finical position, “when I will get income and how much wealth I will get and all these connected questions.” It has been noticed that everybody wants to get wealth irrespective of the fact whether he has the capacity to do the job or not. ‘Karma’ is not to be performed though the income wealth is desired. We have some combinations in astrology that the native gets wealth without slightest effort- the cases of natives born in rich families and those getting wealth in legacy are well known.
Then we have some combinations for destruction of wealth. Here there are broadly two types- one who get the wealth by [mere birth in the rich family and other who has to work hard to get wealth] and the particular dasha/ antra-dasha of a planet does help the native to achieve his target by setting a new business/ Industry etc. Such persons are called ‘self- made’ people and also paving way for their children to be ‘rich’. But, in some cases it has been that even the natives who get riches in legacy or from their parents, can destroy the sane by ‘karma’ i.e. because of the bad planetary position at birth, they cannot maintain the wealth got by them.
Apart from the Dasha/antra-dasha of the planet, the transit of the planet is equally important. Most of the principles have been considered in the articles. Here we will discuss the results of the planets while transiting various signs/Nakshtras with reference to each Ascendant (Lagna) especially with reference to acquisition or destruction of wealth on inheritance.
There are various ways for acquisition of wealth- and one of them is acquisition of wealth by inheritance. Inheritance as is known to all refers to acquisition of properly, both movable and immovable after the death of the parents or other personal relation who may have made the native as his legal heir.
Whatever is the question, a look at the Lagna and its Lord cannot be ignored wall placed Lagna would enhance the chances of acquisition of inherited property and weak Lagna Lord may give rise to various types of litigations even with regards to properties left by the ancestors.
For the purposes of inheritance, 8th house is most significant and all matters, apart from other matters represented by 8th house and 8th lord which relate to legacies, gifts, unearned wealth, hidden wealth and secret wealth etc. It may also be noted that the 8th house is also the house of longevity and the Saturn is signification of 8th house.
For locating wealth/ treasury, Jupiter is the planet of treasury as per Jatak Parijat. Jupiter represents many things but for our purpose it would suffice to say that it becomes the representative of wealth/ treasury etc.
Even according to Prashara Hora, wealth of dead comes under the 8th house. With regards to wealth, it is stated in Prashara Hora that 2nd lord in 2nd or in an angle or in a trine will promote one’s wealth but 2nd lord in 6/8/12 may deteriorate the financial conditions. Further, one will be wealthy if Jupiter is in 2nd as the lord of the 2nd or is with Mars. However, it has been noted that the Jupiter should be the ruler of 2nd for the native to become wealthy and this applies to Scorpio and Aquarius Lagna persons. These persons may check for themselves. Similarly, if the 2nd lord is in the 11th while 11th Lord is in the 2nd, the native will acquire wealth. It would suffice to refer to one principle of Sarvartha Chintamani i.e. if the 2nd lord is located in its sign of exaltation or in its Mooltrikona in the 11th house, the lord of the lagna is strong and 2nd lord is located in Kendra, the native rules as a king i.e. acquisitions of much wealth is indicated.
Potential of the 2nd lord and 2nd house cannot be ignored with regards to acquisition of property even by inheritance. Even according to Dr. B.V. Raman (How to Judge a Horoscope), there will be acquisition of lands, cars, houses and financial advantages if the 2nd lord is in the 4th house with 4th Lord. Such persons may also inherit property from mother or maternal grand- father.
Lagna Lord in the 2nd house is capable of giving good income and wealth. But if the Lagna is associated with a malefic and placed in the 2nd house, it indicates loss of wealth.
Getting wealth, even on inheritance by him, is indicated when the lord of the 2nd house is connected with 7th house/ 7th lord and is placed in Lagna.
If the Lagna Lord and lord of the 2nd house have exchanged house i.e. Lagna Lord in the 2nd house and 2nd lord in Lagna, one is capable of getting and accumulating wealth.
Guru- Mangal Yoga i.e. Jupiter and Mars combining together also gives wealth especially if the 2nd lord gets involved with this combination.
Association of 2nd lord with any of the two benefices i.e. Jupiter or Venus is capable of giving good amount of wealth.
Combinations considered being evil with reference to 2nd house:
(a) If the Moon is very weak and is neither associated nor expected by benefices.
(b) If the lords of 2nd and 12th houses exchange with each other. However, some exception is given by Venus in the 12th house.
(c) If the lord of the 2nd house is debilitated and has no strength.
(d) If Saturn and the Sun are placed together in the 2nd house.
Wealth by Inheritance:
Apart from above, I have collected some other principles for acquisition of wealth by in- heritance and they are:
(i) Transit of Jupiter in the 8th house is capable of giving sudden gain of money and property, also trust- money apart from unexpected inheritance if the Jupiter in the natal chart is powerful supported by other good yogas.
(ii) Placement of Venus in the 12th house in one more lagnas i.e. Janama Lagna, Chandra Lagna and also Surya Lagna. But 12 houses is an inauspicious house- hence this principle needs to be checked in actual practice. However, the view is also supported by of Astrology that Venus in 12th house makes the native wealthy though of questionable character.
(iii) The Sun in 9th house is capable of giving much inherited property.
(iv) When Lord of an auspicious house become Retrograde. Please check your horoscope espically for Aries, Lagna the beneficial planet Jupiter remained Retrograde.
(v) The Simple principle of acquiring wealth is that if Jupiter aspects Mercury. Even according to Bhavartha Ratnakara, the placement of Venus in the 12th house produces yoga to confer wealth and enjoyment. And according to Phaladeepka, when Venus occupies the 12th house, the person will have much wealth and enjoyment. From the historical horoscope, it is found that Queen Victoria had Venus in the 12th house from all the three Lagnas. Even Varahamihina had said that Venus in the 12th house makes a person wealthy.
(vi) Venus in 6th house also produces yoga as per Bhavartha Ratnakara but there is difference of opinion with regards to Venus being in 6th house especially if it happens to be lord of 2nd. If the lord of 2nd house is situated in 6th or 12th, it is an evil combination for wealth.
Summing up my discussion, it is stated that all the combinations for acquisition of wealth even through inheritance are for guidance. One should be well associated with all the astrological principles before making any pronouncement. The horoscope must be judged fully and from all angles and one should be very careful in giving predictions as the results would depend on several considerations. One should not ignore Navamasha chart, strength of planets and how they improve in Navamasha and other Vargas. As already stated, Jupiter is wealth- giving planet “Dhanakarka’, AND IT GETS EXALTED IN Cancer ruled by the Moon, it is strong in its own signs Sagittarius and Pisces. Well placed and strong Jupiter is capable for giving good amount of wealth.
Benefic planets in the 4th house are good for property, lands, conveyances and happiness. One is said to earn well if both the lords of the 10th house and 2nd house happen to be in Kendras or Trikons.
The Sun, the Moon and the Lagna constitute Tripods of life. Among these vital points the Moon is inter alia, the controller of wealth and financial prosperity and Jupiter,’Dhanakarka’ is the dominating planet for wealth. Thus we have Gaj- Kesari Yoga i.e. when Jupiter is in a quadrant or a trine from the Moon. But technical presence of the Gaj- Kesri Yoga had been noted in the horoscope of beggars and other poor persons. Accordingly, as indicated above, the totality of the horoscope must be seen even when the horoscope have exalted planets but may not have the required strength to give the desired riches/ wealth to the native.
Shanker Adawal
Email: connectingminds@gmail.com, shankerstudy@gmail.com
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