Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 116


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Impairment of Limbs

Y-1- If the lord of the 12th house is weak, situated in a malefic Navamsa, or in the Navamsa sign of its debilitation or in its sign of debilitation, the native loses one of his limbs.

Y-2- Similarly, if there are many malefic planets in the 12th house & the lord of the 12th house is with Saturn. Mandi and Rahu the native gets one of his limbs impaired.

Hell- If Rahu or Mars or Saturn or Sun is posited in 12th, whilst their dispositor is posited in debilitation, the native will go to hell after death.

Heaven- Jupiter in 12th aspected by a benefic whilst Ketu is exalted, the native attains salvation or goes to Heaven.

Quit country- The native would quit his Mother-land ignominiously, if lord of 12th is conjunct with a malefic, whilst 12th house is occupied by a malefic aspected another malefic.

Hell afer Death

Y-1- If the lord of the 12th house is in the Navamsa of a malefic planet, in a malefic sign, with a malefic planet & is aspected by a malefic planet the native goes to hell after death.

Y-2- If the 12th house is occupied by Rahu & Mandi & is aspected by the lord of the 8th or the 6th house, the man goes to hell after death.

Y-3- If the lord of the 12th house occupies a malefic Sastiamsa & is aspected by malefic planets, the man goes to hell after death.

P- The lord of the drekkana occupied by the Sun or the Moon, which ever of the two is stronger determines the nature of the next world.

P- If the planets posited in 12th and lord thereof are benefic, the native will go to heaven after death; if malefic, to hell.

P- If it is Jupiter the native goes to heaven (Devlok), if it is Moon or Venus to Pitrilok or the above of the human beings, if it is Sun or Mars it is some animal birth, if it be Mercury or Saturn it is hell.

Other abodes

Y-1- If the said lord of the drekkana is in its sign of exaltation, the abode after death is of a high order, if it is in its sign of debilitation, it is a low type abode, if it is of a middling type, the next abode too too is of same type.

Y-2- If there is a natural benefic planet in the 12th house in its sign of exaltation & is aspected by a benefic planet & is located in the amsha such as “Devlok” the native will reach heaven.

Y-3- If Jupiter is lord of the 10th house & is located in the 12th house under the aspect of a benefic planet the native reach to heaven.


Y-1- If the lord of the 12th house is located with a benefic planet & in the Navamsa of a benefic planet & is influenced by a benefic planet, the yoga indicates the possession of good healthy eyes.

Y-2- If contrary is the case, loss etc, of the eye should be predicted.

The yoga is also bad for feet. Further discussion in regard to eyes has already been carried out in the 2nd house.


Y-1- If Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are located in the 12th house, the native gets conveyance, acquirement of conveyance etc should be determined from this house as well.


Y-1- If there is the influence of benefic planets on the 12th house & on the lord of the 12th house, the acquisition of palanquin & bed & the pleasure etc of sleep should be predicted.

Y-2- If the lord of the 12th house is located in its sign of exaltation, in a benefic Vargas, & under the aspect of a benefic planet sleeping on a fine type of cot should be predicted.

Y-3- If the lord of the 12th house is located in its highest degree of exaltation & is aspected by the lord of the 9th house, the material of the bed is embedded with jewels & precious stones.

Y-4- One has no sleep or means of sleep, if the 12th house is influenced by malefic & the lord of the 12th house is located in a malefic Navamsha under aspect of malefic.

Y-5- Even if the lord of the 12th house is a natural malefic, but is located in its sign of exaltation, in its friend’s sign, or in its own sign & the lord of the sign occupied by the 12th lord is in its own sign, the native gets good sleep & sleeping furniture.

Y-6- If the lord of the Ascendant is in its sign of debilitation in the 12th house & is aspected by the lord of the 6th house & is associated with Saturn, Mandi or Rahu, one has no comfort of sleep or of the sleeping furniture.


Shanker Adawal

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