Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 51

Dr. Shanker Adawal
Y-1- If Saturn in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic occupies the 2nd house, the native will get dog-bite.
Y-2- If the lord of the second house is in conjunction with Saturn or aspected by Saturn, the native will get dog-bite.
Y-1- If Rahu in conjunction with or aspected by Mandi, occupies the second house, the native will get snake-bite.
Y-2- If, the lord of the 3rd house in conjunction with Rahu, or the dispositor of Rahu, occupies the ascendant, the native will get snake-bite.
Y-3- If the 7th house is occupied by the Sun, Rahu and Mercury, the native will get snake-bite.
Y-4- If the second house is occupied by Rahu, and the 7th house by Mars, wife of the native will die of snake-bite.
Y-5- If lord of the ascendant is in conjunction with Rahu and lord of the 6th house, the native will get snake-bite.
Small Pox and Chicken Pox
Y-1- If the ascendant, the 2nd, 7th or the 8th house is occupied by the Sun, aspected by Mars, the native will get small pox or chicken pox.
Y-2- If the ascendant, the 2nd, or 8th house is occupied by Mars aspected by the Sun, the native will get small pox or chicken pox or burns.
Y-1- If Jupiter occupies ascendant, and Mars occupies the seventh house, the native will get mad.
Y-2a- If Jupiter occupies ascendant, and Saturn occupies the 7th House, native will get mad.
Y-2b- If not the native will get Rheumatism.
Y-3- If weak and waning Moon in conjunction with Saturn occupies the 12th house, the native will get mad.
Y-4- If Saturn occupiesd the ascendant, and Mars the 5th, 7th or 9th House, the native will get mad.
Y-5- If the weak and waning Moon, in conjunction with a malefic, occupies the ascendant, the 8th, 5th or 9th house, the native will get mental disease or madness.
Y-6- If Mercury in conjunction with a malefic, occupies the 3rd, 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native will get mental disease or madness.
Y-7- If the weak and waning Moon with Moudhya (the distance between the Sun and the Moon must be below 12 deg) in conjunction with Mercury occupies the ascendant, the native will get mental disease or madness.
Y-8- If Saturn in conjunction with Rahu occupies the ascendant, the native will get mental disease.
Y-9- If the Moon in conjunction with Rahu occupies the ascendant, and if malefic planets occupy trine (both the 5th and 9th houses) the native will get madness or mental disease.
Y-10- If the Moon in conjunction with Mercury occupies Kendra Rasi (quadrants) and if they are not in association with other planets, or if they are not aspected by their dispositor, the native will get mental disease.
Y-11- If the dispositor of lord of navamsa sign, of the owner of the 6th house is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the native will suffer from mental disease.
Y-12- If the Moon in conjunction with weak Saturn occupies the 8th house, the native will get mental disease, and troubles connected with water.
Y-13- If the weak and waning Moon is located in the ascendant, the native will get mental disease or one of the five sense organs will become defective. The Moon in Aries ascendant, Taurus or Cancer will not cause disease.
Note- (Moon in the ascendant, if not weak, makes the native drug addict).
Y-14- If the weak and waning in conjunction with Mars or Saturn and Rahu occupies the 8th house, the native will get epilepry or mental disease.
Y-15- If Ketu asapected by malefic (Mars, Saturn and the Sun) occupies the ascendant, the native will get mental disease.
Y-16- If the navamsa of Rahu or Ketu falls in sign of a malefic, and if Rahu or Ketu occupies the 6th house aspected by malefic, the native will get mental disease.
Y-17- If weak and waning Moon in conjunction with Mars occupies the 6th houses, the native will get mental disease.

Shanker Adawal
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One reply on “Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 51”

  • Arvindbhai Shah September 25, 2021 at 10:08 am

    A very informative article about various bite yogas. Good service to readers.

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