Dr. Shanker Adawal
Disease connected with Anus:
Y-1- If the lord of ascendant, in association with Mercury and Mars, aspects the sixth house, or occupies the 4th or 1th house, the native will get disease connected with anus.
Urinary troubles [stones etc.]
Y-1- If the Moon occupies the 6th house which is a watery sign [Cancer, 2nd half of Capricorn and Pisces] and if he is aspected by Mercury, who is located in a watery sign, the native will get stones or Urinary troubles.
Y-2- If the navamsa of Venus falls in the sign of a malefic, and if Venus occupies the 6th house which belongs to a malefic, and if he is aspected by a malefic, the native will suffer from Urinary disease, or stones or piles during his Dasa period.
Y-3- If Saturn, aspected by Rahu, occupies the 7th house, the native will suffer from calculus disease.
Y-4- If Venus is the dispositor of Navamsa sign of the owner of the sixth house, and if he is in conjunction with a malefic and aspected by a malefic, the native will suffer from calculus or piles disease.
Bilious disease:
Y-1- If Mars aspected by a malefic, occupies the sixth house which belongs to a malefic and if his navamsa falls in a malefic sign, the native will suffer from bilious disease.
Y-2- If Mars is the dispositor of the Navamsa sign of the 6th lord, and if he is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic planet, the native will suffer from bilious disease.
Y-3- If the ruler of the ascendant in association with Mercury occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native will suffer from bilious disease.
Y-4- If weak Moon, in conjunction with a malefic and in malefic Vargas, occupies the 6th house, the native will get bilious disease.
Y-5- If Mercury aspected by a malefic occupies the 6th house which belongs to a malefic and if his Navamsa falls in a malefic house, the native will get bilious disease.
Y-1- If the ascendant is aspected by a malefic planet and if the weak ruler of the ascendant occupies inimical, or his debilitated house, when the 8th house is aspected or occupied by a malefic, the native will suffer from diabetes.
Y-2- If afflicted and weak Venus aspected by a malefic occupies the 8th house and if the ascendant is occupied or aspected by a malefic, when the ruler of the ascendant is located in inimical house or in his debilitated house, the native will suffer from diabetes.
Consumption [T.-B. of Lungs etc.]
Y-1- If Mars is in conjunction with Mercury and aspected by the Moon and Venus, occupies the 6th house, which belongs to a malefic or if his navamsa falls in a malefic sign, the native will get consumption or T. B. of lungs.
Y-2- If the weak owner of the ascendant, in conjunction with weak Venus, occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native will get consumption or T. B. of lungs.
Y-3- If the navamsa of the Sun falls in Cancer and that of the Moon falls in Leo, the native will get consumptive disease, or will become very lean and weak.
Y-4- If the Sun in conjunction with the Moon occupies Cancer, the native will suffer from consumptive disease or he will become very lean and weak.
Y-5- If the Sun in association with the Moon occupies Leo, the native will get consumptive disease or will become very lean and weak.
Y-1- The Sun in conjunction with Mars, occupies Cancer, and if Saturn is aspected by Mars, the native will get Fistula or disease n anus.
Y-2- If lord of ascendant in conjunction with Mars and Mercury occupies the 4th or 12th house, the native will get Fistula.
Y-1- If the Sun aspected by Saturn occupies Cancer, the native will suffer from Piles disease.
Y-2- If weak and afflicted Saturn occupies the 7th or the 8th house, the native will get piles disease.
Y-1- If the afflicted and waning Moon occupies his own sign the 6th house, the native will get diarrhea.
Dry Itches
Y-1- If the weak Moon in conjunction with the Sun and Mars occupies the 6th house the native will get dry itches.
Y-1- If Venus in conjunction with Mars aspected by a malefic planet, occupies the seventh house, the native will get rheumatism.
Y-2- If Jupiter occupies the ascendant and Saturn the 7th house the native will get rheumatism.
Y-3- If the weak Moon aspected by malefic planet occupies the 6th house which belongs to a malefic planet or if his navamsa falls in a malefic sign, the native will get rheumatism.
Y-4- If Mercury aspected by a malefic occupies malefic sign and if his navamsa falls in malefic sign, the native will suffer from rheumatic disease.
Y-5- If Mercury is the dispositor of navamsa sign of the 6th lord, and he (Mercury) is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic, the native will get rheumatism.
Y-6- If the Moon is in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic, and if he is the dispositor of the navamsa sign of the 6th lord, the native will get rheumatism.
Y-7- If the Sun is aspected by Saturn, occupies Cancer, the native will suffer from rheumatism.
Y-8- Ascendant lord, in Ascendant and Saturn in the 6th, chance of attack with rheumatism or gout.
Shanker Adawal
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