Dr. Shanker Adawal
Y-1- If malefic planets occupy the 12th, 5th, 2nd and 9th houses, the native will be imprisoned.
Y-2- If the ascendant is in Sarpa drekkana (first 20o of Cancer, or Scorpio and last 10o of Pisces) or if the ascendant is in Nigala drekkana (last 10o of Capricorn) and if the Ascendant Drekkana is aspected by a malefic planet, the native will get imprisonment.
Y-3- If the lord of the ascendant in conjunction with the owner of the 6th house, and Saturn, occupy angle or trine, the native, will get imprisonment.
Y-1- If the lord of the 2nd house in conjunction with weak Jupiter occupies the 8th house, native will become dumb.
Deafness & Disease of Ears:
Y-1- If the 9th, 11th, 3rd and 5th houses are occupied by malefic planets, without being aspected by benefic planets, the native will have deafness.
Y-2- If the 11th and 5th houses are occupied by malefic planets, the native will lose hearing capacity of the left ear.
Y-3- If the 9th and 3rd houses are occupied by the malefic planets, the native will lose hearing capacity of the right ear.
Y-4- If Saturn is conjunction with Mandi occupies the 3rd house, if not aspected by a benefic, the native will get ear disease.
Y-5- If the owner of the second house, in conjunction with Mars and Saturn, occupies the ascendant, the native’s ear will be cut or operated.
Y-6- If the owner of the second house in conjunction with the lord of the 6th house, Mandi and Mars, occupy the ascendant, the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native’s ears will be cut or operated.
Dental Disease:
Y-1- If the ascendant is Aries, Taurus or Sagittarius and if it is aspected by a malefic planet, the native’s teeth will be irregular. [If the ascendant is occupied by the ruler, defect will not be very conspicuous].
Y-2- If the 7th house is occupied by malefic, teeth of native will be irregular.
Y-3- If the owner of the 2nd house in conjunction with Rahu occupies the 6th house, the native will get dental disease.
Y-4- If the ruler of the second house, in conjunction with the lord of the 6th house or if his navamsa lord is in conjunction with the 6th house ruler, the native will get dental disease which will cause falling of teeth.
Y-5- If Saturn is in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd house and a malefic, native will get dental disease.
Y-1- If the ascendant is Aries, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, or Aquarius and if it is aspected by a malefic, the native will have bald head.
Death Cause and Nature
Y-1- Strong planet who aspects or occupies the 8th house generally causes death to the native.
P-1- Diseases that the death-inflicting planets generally give are:
(1) The Sun-Biles, (2) The Moon-Vatha and Kapha (Phlegm), (3) Mars – Biles, (4) Mercury – Vatha, Biles and Phlegm, (5) Jupiter-Kapha (phlegm), (6) Venus-Vatha and Phlegm, (7) Saturn-Vatha.
P-2- Planet who assumes responsibility for the death of the native, generally gives disease to that part of the body which he represents. The 8th house from Moon Ascendant (natal Moon), and from Aries also sometimes indicate part of the body where disease will first appear. By comparing the strength of the planets, we can find out which part will get the disease.
Y-2- If the 8th house is occupied by the Sun, cause of death will generally be fire or heat, the Moon water, Mars weapons, Mercury fever, Jupiter unknown disease, Venus thirst and Saturn hunger.
Y-3- If the 8th house is a moving sign, death will happen in a distant place, fixed sign native place, common sign not very distant place.
Shanker Adawal
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