Dr. Shanker Adawal
Yogas-Nature of death
Y-1- If the Sun in conjunction with Mars, occupies the 10th house or the 4th house, death of the native will be caused by stones or trees falling on his body.
Y-2- If Saturn is located in the 4th house, the Moon in the 7th house and Mars in the 10th house, the native will be drowned.
Y-3- If the Sun in conjunction with the Moon, occupies Pisces will cause drowning.
Y-4- If the Sun in association with the Moon occupies Virgo, aspected by or in conjunction with a malefic planet, death of the native will be caused by a person of his own family.
Y-5- If Saturn occupies Cancer, and the Moon Capricorn, the native will die of dropsy diseases.
Y-6- If the Moon is in between two malefic (12th and 2nd houses) and if he [Moon] occupies Aries or Scorpio, the native will be killed by fire or weapon.
Y-7- If malefic planets occupy the 12th and 2nd houses of the Moon, and if he [the Moon] is located in Virgo, the death of the native will be caused by consumption. T.B. of lungs or blood impurity.
Y-8- If malefic planets occupy the 12th and 2nd houses of the Moon, and if the Moon occupies Capricorn or Aquarius, the native will die by hanging, by fire or by falling.
Y-9- If the 5th and 9th houses are occupied by malefic planets, without getting aspect of a benefic planet, the native will die due to imprisonment.
Y-10- If Sarpa [Serpent] drekkana [first 20o of Cancer and Scorpio and last 10o of Pisces] or Nigala [chain] drekkana [last 10 deg of Capricorn] falls in the 8th house, the native will die due to imprisonment.
Y-11- If the Moon, in association with a malefic planet, occupies the 7th house Virgo, the Sun in the ascendant and Venus in Aries, the death of the native will be caused by a woman of his family.
Y-12- If Mars or the Sun occupies the 4th house, and Saturn the 10th house, death of the native will be by weapon.
Y-13- If the ascendant, the 5th and 9th houses are occupied by the weak and waning Moon, Sun, Mars and Saturn, the native will be killed by knife or sharp weapon.
Y-14- If Mars, aspected by the weak and waning Moon, occupies the 10th house, the Sun the 4th house, the native will be killed by knife or sharp weapons.
Y-15- If Mars, aspected by Sturn, occupies the 10th house, and the Sun the 4th house, the native will be killed by tree falling on his body.
Y-16- If the weak and waning Moon occupies the 8th house, Mars the 10th house. Saturn in the ascendant and the Sun in the 4th house, the native will be beaten to death.
Y-17- If the weak and waning Moon occupies the 10th house. Mars the 9th house, Saturn the ascendant and the Sun the 5th house, the death of the native will be caused by smoke, fire, imprisonment or by tree falling on his body.
Y-18- If Mars occupies the 4th house, the Sun the 7th house, and Saturn the 10th house, native’s death will be caused by fire, weapon, or by Government punishment.
Y-19- If Saturn occupies the 2nd house, the Moon the 4th house, and Mars the 10th house, the native will die of wounds or injury.
Y-20- If the Sun is located in the 10th house and Mars in the 4th house, the native will fall from vehicle resulting in his death.
Y-21- If the 7th house is posited by Mars and the ascendant by the Sun, the weak and waning Moon and Saturn, the native will be killed during operation of machines.
Y-22- If the weak and waning Moon is aspected by strong Mars, and Saturn in the 8th house, the native will die due to wounds or boils in or around his genitals.
Note: Yogas given here are not complete. They explain cause and nature of death only. They do not indicate longevity.
P- Planets who are in the mid-bhavas give full results. Planets who are in the Sandhis [both cusps] never give any result, good or bad. These are explained in the Bhava chapter which hold good everywhere. If yoga given above is correctly found in a chart, and if it is within the Bhava, and not contradicted by other planets, who are not involved in the yoga, cause and nature of death of th native will be as indicated in the yoga.
P- The death happens during the Dasa period of the weak planet or planet in the 8th house or planet who aspect it. The death of the native is also indicated by the 22nd drekkana from ascendant. Ruler of this drekkana sometimes determines the time of death.
Note- Over and above these, Maharshis had suggested different systems for calculating the longevity of the native.
Shanker Adawal
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