Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 64


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Two marriages

Y-1- Two marriages should be predicted if the lord of the Ascendant is located in the 8th house, the 7th house is occupied by a malefic & the lord of the 2nd is with a malefic.

Y-2- Early death of wife should be predicted if the lord of the 7th house is with Saturn. Mars and Rahu & is located in a malefic Sastiamsa.

Y-3- If the lord of the 7th house is located in inimical sign or in its sign of debilitation with a benefic planet & there is a malefic planet in the 7th house, two marriages of the native should be predicted.

Y-4- If the significator of wife i.e. Venus is situated with a malefic planet & is located in its sign of debilitation or in its debilitation Navamsa & is aspected by a malefic planet the native marries twice.

Y-5- The planet that is strongest from among the significator of the 7th house. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus should be taken as the, base for determination of the longevity of the partner in life, wife or husband as the case may be.

Y-6- If there are malefic planets in the 7th and 2nd houses and their lords are weak, the native loses his first wife & has to marry another lady.

Y-7- If malefic occupy the 6th and 8th houses and Mars is located in the 12th house & if the 7th house is not aspected by its own lord the native loses his first wife and has to marry a second time.

Y-8- If both the 2nd & the 7th are occupied by many malefic planets & the lord of the 7th house is aspected by a malefic, the native has to marry thrice, one after another, as a result of death of wives.

Y-9- If there are malefic planets in the Ascendant, the 2nd house or in the 7th and the lord of the 7th house is weak by being eclipsed or being in its sign of debilitation, the man has to marry thrice.

Y-10- If the lord of the 1st of the 7th house is in its sign of debilitation, or is eclipsed by the rays of the Sun and is situated in malefic Sastiamsa, the native has to marry a second time.

Y-11- If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house is located in turn in a Navamsa belonging to its enemy or to its sign of debilitation or is with the Sun and is situated in between malefic & aspected by malefic, the native has to marry a second time.

Y-12- Similarly if the lord of the 2nd house or the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the significator (Venus) is in between malefic and so also are the 7th house and its lord the yoga should be considered as destructive of the first wife.

Many wives

Y-1- If a strong Mercury is located in the 10th house from the lord of the 1st house and Moon is located (in strength) in the 3rd from the lord of the 7th house, the native lives with many wives.

Y-2 If the lord of the 12th and the 2nd houses are located in the 3rd house and are aspected by Jupiter or by the lord of the 9th house, the native has many wives.

Y-3- If the lord of the 7th house is located in a angle or a trine, in its sign of exaltation or in its own varga (drekkana etc) & in a sign of its friend & is associated with the lord of the 10th house, the native lives with many wives (at a time).

Y-4- If the lords of the 7th and the 11th houses are located together or they aspect each other & are located in a trine in strength the yoga indicates that the native has many wives at a time.

Y-5- If the lord of the 9th is located in the 7th house & the lord of the 7th is in the 4th, the lord of the 7th & the 11th are in angle, the native has many wives.

Y-6- Find out the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house. Then see the lord of the Navamsa occupied by that lord. If the latter Navamsa lord is in strength and is located in amsa such as the “Paravat” the man have a hundred wives.

Y-7- If the lord of the Sastiamsa (1/60th division) occupied by the lord of the sign occupied by the 2nd house is strong & in Mridu amsa or Gopur amsa, the native has two hundred wives or concubines.

Y-8- Find out the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the significator of the 7th house, then see the lord of the sign in which it is placed. The lord of the sign occupied by the latest lord if located in an angle, in Mridu amsa or in Gopur amsa would give 300 wives or concubines to the native.

Y-9a- If the lord of the 7th house is situated in “Gopur” amsa & the lord of the 10th house is in the 7th & the lord of the 2nd is also strong & in 2nd house the native has 10 wives.

Y-9b- In the similar manner the wives of sons etc should be considered, from the 7th house with respected to the respective bhava or house.


Shanker Adawal

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