Planets, Signs and Houses: Judgement of Twelve House V, Part – 66


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Early marriage

Y-1a- If the lords of the 7th house and of the first house are located in the Ascendant, close to each other even in degree positions, the native gets married early in boyhood.

Y-1b- The same will be the result if natural benefic planets are located close to both the Ascendant and the 7th house.

Y-2- If the Ascendant, the 2nd house & the 7th house are occupied by benefic planets, & are in benefic Vargas, and the lords of these houses are under benefic aspect, then marriage of the native takes place in early boyhood.

Y-3- If the lord of the 7th house is located in the amsa “Paravat” & the lord of the 2nd house is strong & Mridu amsa is occupied by the lord of the Ascendant, the sages say, marriage takes place in early boyhood.

Fortune and marriage

Y-1- If Venus is in the 7th house or is located in any of the upchaya houses i.e. 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house or if it is in the 2nd house & the lord of the Ascendant is in similar houses, in association with or under the aspect of benefic, the luck of the native shines immediately after his marriage.

Y-2- If the significator of the 7th house is Venus, lord of the 7th house, lord of the 2nd house, lord of the 1st house are located in 6th, 8th or 12th house, in their Navamsa of debilitation, or in inimical Navamsa or are eclipsed by the Sun are in association with malefic, the financial prospects will suffer soon after marriage.

Y-3- If the significator of the 7th house i.e. Venus along with the other three planets mentioned above are located in malefic amsa but are located with benefic, are under benefic aspect the native meeting financial loss soon after marriage again gets good financial prospects.

Y-4- If the lord of the 7th house is with a malefic planet in a trine & the significator of the 7th house (Venus) is also with a malefic or is in the 2nd house or the 10th house the prospects of the native rise much after his marriage.

Y-5- If the lord of the 7th house is located in the 10th house with a malefic planet or it is in 2nd house or the 9th with malefic & is in the Navamsa of malefic & aspected by malefic and the 7th house is occupied by malefic, the prospects shine much after marriage of the native.


Y- The same line of thinking should be adopted in the question relating to the early or late acquisition of sons i.e., malefic influence on the relevant factors has a delaying effect.

Status of wife

Y-1- If the lord of the 7th house is weaker than the lord of the Lagna and is located in the Navamsa of its inimical sign or is eclipsed, is in the Navamsa of its sign of debilitation or, is with a planet in debilitation, the wife comes from a low family.

Y-2- If the lord of the 7th house is stronger than the lord of the 1st house & is located in the Navamsa of a benefic planet, is under the aspect of a benefic planet, or is located in “Vaisheshik” amsa or in the highest degree of its exaltation, the wife comes from a very high family.

Y-3- If the lord of the Ascendant is weaker than the lord of the 7th house & is with malefic or in the Navamsa of its sign of debilitation, or located in the 8th house or is going to the Navamsa sign of its sign of debilitation, the native himself is of an inferior status than that of his wife.

Y—4 If the lord of the Ascendant is stronger than the lord of the 7th house, & is located in the Navamsa of a sign that constitutes one leading to the exaltation sign, or is in the highest degree of exaltation, and is in an angle, or trine, or is with benefic planet, the native himself is superior in status to that of his wife.


Y-1- The comparison should be carried out as between the lord of the Ascendant on one side and the lord of the 7th house or that of the 2nd from the 7th house. If the two sides are equally balanced the status of the wife and the husband is equal, it denotes a wife of good character and devoted to the husband.

Y-2- If the lord of the 7th house is enemy to the lord of the Ascendant, the relation of wife will be inimically disposed towards the native. If they are friends the other members of the family of wife will be friendly towards the native.

Y-3- If the lord of the Ascendant is inimical to the lord of the 7th the members of the family of the native too will be inimical, if friend, the result will be the reverse.


Shanker Adawal

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