Dr. Shanker Adawal
Abnormality-wife breasts
Y-1- If Mars is in the 7th house, the wife has small breasts, if Saturn or Rahu is there she has long breasts, if Sun is there the breasts are hard and pointing upwards. If the rest of the planets occupy the 7th house, she has, very good and big sized breasts.
Y-2- If the lord of the 7th house is with one malefic planet, the wife has abnormal type of breasts, irrespective of the fact whether the said lord is a malefic or a benefic.
Y-3- The wife has normal sized breasts if the lord of the 7th house is with two benefic. If lord of 7th is with malefic the opposite is the result (she has very small breasts).
Y-4- If the lord of the 7th house is located with benefic, in a watery house & in a watery sign, aspected by Jupiter, the wife has abnormally big sized breasts.
Abnormality-wife private parts
Y-1- If Sun or Mars is the lord of the 7th house and is situated with Saturn, Mandi or Rahu in the Navamsa of a malefic planet it is an indication of the private part of the wife being long in size.
Y-2- If the lord of the 7th house is Jupiter or Venus & is located in the Navamsa sign of a benefic, the wife has a normal sized private part, if in the Navamsa of a malefic it is long sized.
Y-3- If Saturn, Moon or Mercury is the lord of the 7th house, the private part of wife is short sized.
Y-4- If the lord of the 7th house occupies a watery sign & the significator i.e. Venus too is in a watery sign, the 7th house contains a watery sign aspected by Moon, strong in Pakshabala (i.e. at or near its maximum distance from the Sun), or if Moon occupies a watery sign in the 7th house & is aspected by Venus-located in a watery sign or by Mercury located in a watery sign, the wife of the native will have plenty of raja i.e. liquid matter in her private part.
Y-5- If full Moon is in the 7th house in the sign or Navamsa of a watery planet and is aspected by a Jupiter located in a watery sign, there is wetness in the private part all the time.
Y-6- If Venus is occupying its highest degree of exaltation in the Navamsa of its exaltation sign & is in a watery sign & located with Sun, the wetness is profuse at the time of cohabitation.
Y-7- If the lord of the 7th house is located in a dry sign (5, 6, 7, 8, 11 & 12) & there is a dry sign in the 7th house aspected by a dry planet the private part of the wife is not wet (i.e. it is dry).
Y-8- If the lord of the 7th house is in the sign of a malefic planet & in between malefic, or with malefic & under aspect of malefic, the private: part of the wife is dry.
Y-1– If Mercury as the lord of the 7th house is aspected by a strong Jupiter & also by the lord of the nd house, the native eats pulses, curd, & ghee.
Y-2- If the lord of the 7th house is aspected by Jupiter & is located in a benefic Navamsa, aspected by Mercury located in a benefic Navamsa, the native enjoys pulses, curd ghee etc.
Y-3- If Venus is located in the 7th house & is aspected by a very strong Moon is not associated with or aspected by malefic, the man enjoys pulses, curd, ghee etc.
Y-4- If Sun or Mars is lord of the 7th house & is aspected by a benefic planet or is placed in the 2nd house, the man sometimes enjoys curd and pulses etc.
Y-5- If a malefic planet occupies the 7th house & the lord of the 7th house is with malefic or in a malefic Sastiamsa, the native seldom enjoys ghee & pulses etc.
Y-6- If Moon or Jupiter is the lord of the 7th house and is located in a watery sign or Navamsha, or is aspected by a watery planet; the native enjoys milk and its products.
Y-7- If the lord of the 7th house occupies the Navamsa and is under the aspect of a benefic planet, or is located in a benefic Navamsa, the native enjoys gur, milk products etc.
Prostate gland
Y- If there are many planets in the 7th house, or if there are malefic planets in the 6th and the 8th house, located in malefic Sastiamsa, the native will suffer from urinary (prostate gland) trouble.
Shanker Adawal
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