Dr. Shanker Adawal
Renowned –
Y-1- If the lord of the 1st house occupy he 5th or the 9th or being in conjunction with the Lord of the 5th or 9th occupy the Ascendant, the father of the person born will be a famous man.
Y-2- If the lord of the 3rd house be in the Ascendant or the Karaka- Mars as well as the lord of the Bhratubhava be together in one house and possess strength, a brother of the person born, will become renowned.
Famous for learning- When the lord of the 2nd house or Mercury is in the Ascendant and when the 2nd house is occupied by the lord of the Ascendant and when the house in either case is strong and free from malefic aspect, the person born will become famous for his learning.
Enjoy good luck- If the lords of the 9th and the 1st houses from the Ascendant be in their respective house or if the lords of the 1st and 9th, occupy the 9th and the 1st respectively, and if the planets in their respective positions be aspected by or associated with Jupiter the persons born will enjoy good luck for a long time.
Nurtured by 3 mothers- If at the time of birth the Sun and the Moon are together placed in the same house and are in the same Navamsa at rising the child is nurtured by 3 mothers (nurses) for three months and afterwards by his father and brothers.
(The Sun and the Moon falling together in the same sign and in the same Navamsa rising i.e. Within 3o – 20’ means complete emaciation of the Moon. In this condition there will be Amavashya or the 30th of the dark half of the month. Therefore the Moon, the significator of mother, will be very weak, become mother’s destroyer).
Moon Ascendant- Prediction for Effects should be made in the same way from the Moon as well (i.e. taking the Moon as the Ascendant).
(As the effects are studied from the Natal Ascendant, the Sage recommend here to study these in the same manner from the Moon Lagna or taking the sign situated by the Moon to be the Ascendant).
Native’s body limbs Now let us explain, the identity marks, ulcers etc. on the native’s body.
(Head, eyes, ears, nose, temple, chin and face-these are the limbs indicated by the houses 1, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 respectively, when there is the rise of the First Decanate of the Ascendant; neck, shoulder, arm, side, heart, stomach and navel, when that of the `second’ one and Pelvis, anus and penis, testicles, thigh, Knee, calf and foot, when that of the third one.
The portion already risen, (the six houses behind the Lagna i.e. 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7 or the Uttaradha of the Lagna) indicates left side of the body and, the one yet to rise (the six houses ahead of the Lagna i.e. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 or the Poorvardha of the Lagna) indicates the right side the body).
To consider as to which limb of the native’s body will have ulcer, injury, tumour, identification mark, mole, wart etc. the ancient Indian Sages imagined three portions of the body on the basis of the Drekkanas or Decantes and regarded the Ascendant etc. as representatives of the various organs of the body.
The first part represents head, the second part comprises all organs below the neck and above the navel and the third part shows all the organs below the navel.
If rising Drekkana or Decanate is the first it represents the head, if second it shows the organs below, the neck and above the navel and if the 3rd Drekkana or Decanate commences then the lower parts of the body from the navel are shown. The remaining degrees yet to be covered by the Ascendant in the sign or right side, while the other portion is the left side of the head in north Indian charts.
The right and left sides of the neck, pelvis, face, navel, and feet are to be known following this principle, the 12th House from the Ascendant represents the left eye, the second house the right eye, the 11th house the left ear and the third house the right ear, the 10th house the left side of the nose and the 4th house the right side of the nose, the 9th house the left cheek and the 5th house the right cheek, the 8th house the left chin and the 6th the right chin.
The 7th house represents the right and the left side of the face, some say that it represents the mouth.
The head and the face have been said to be represented by the Ascendant and the 7th Huse.
But in the Sloka (Verse) the right and the left sides of these organs is not very clear. Therefore the bisecting line of the two has to be drawn.
From the middle of the Lagna or Ascendant, the half portion towards the second house is to be understood as the right Side, and that towards the 12th House as the left side.
The same thing is understood in the context of the seventh house.
The degrees covered by the Ascendant in the rising sign indicate the left side of the neck, while the degrees yet to be traversed in the sign show the right side of the neck.
The 12th house shows the left shoulder, the second house the right shoulder.
The 11th house the left arm, the 3rd house the right arm.
The 10th house the left side, the 4th side the right side.
The 9th house the left side of the heart, the 5th house the right side of the heart.
The 8th house the left side of the stomach and the 6th house the right side of the stomach and;
The 7th house indicates the right and the left side of the navel.
When the rising sign is in the third Drekkana or Decanate, the left and right sides of the part of the body below the navel are indicated as shown below:
The degrees covered by the Ascendant in the sign indicate the left side of the pelvis while the other portion of the sign shows the right side of the pelvis.
The 12th house shows the left side of the generative organ and anus, the second house their right side;
The 11th house the left testicle, the 3rd house the right testicle;
The 10th house the left thigh, the 4th house the right thigh;
The 9th house the left knee, the 5th house the right knee;
The 8th house the left calf and the 6th house the right calf and;
The 7th house shows the left and right foot.
A obscure person- A person becomes obscure if, at his birth, the lord of the rising sign is placed, in the house of a malefic planet, occupies the 6th, 8th or 12th place from the Ascendant and is aspected by or associated with a malignant planet.
Menial worker- When the lord of the Ascendant is a malefic planet and occupies the 6th place from the Ascendant being associated with Saturn in a malefic sign, the person born will be like a menial worker.
And if Rahu or Ketu take the place of Saturn in the above, the person will be a Chandala or some equally inferior person.
Shanker Adawal
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