Dr. Shanker Adawal
Death of Mother When?
Y-1- Death of Mother will occur in the sub period of lord of 6th, occurring in the major period of lord of 4th, if lord of 8th is posited in 6 or 12th house.
Death of Mother-
Y-1- Death of Mother will occur in the sub period of Rahu which occurs prior to Major period of Moon. If lord of 4th is in 3rd in company of eclipsed Moon.
Y-2- Death of Mother will occur in the Major period of lord of 4th, if lord of 4th and Moon are together posted in 4th.
Y-3- Death of Mother will occur in the sub period of the dispositor of Moon who is posted in the 4th, which is a friendly sign or exaltation for Moon.
Y-4- Death of Mother is possible in the sub period of Moon in major period of dispositor of lord of 4th, if dispositor of lord of 4th and Moon are posted together.
Y-5- If Moon and lord of 4th are posted together in 4th; death of Mother is likely in major period and sub period of lord of 12th, occurring prior to Moon’s major period.
Death of parents
Y-1a- Death of father is likely in the major period of lord of 4th conjunct with lord of 12th or in major period of Saturn.
Y-1b- Death of Mother is likely in the major period of the planet in conjunction with the above planets.
Y-2a- Death of Mother is likely in the sub period of Rahu in major period of Moon or lord of 8th, if Moon or lord of 8th has the asapect of lord of 4th.
Y-2b– Lord of 9th in conjunction with Rahu will cause early death of father, Death likely in major period of former.
Death of father
Y- Lord of 9th posted in 9th house, even otherwise can cause death of father. Planet in 9th, lord of 9th, planet in conjunction with Sun, also cause death of father in their major periods.
Death due to sins
Y-1- Rahu or Ketu posted alone in 9th denotes that the native, will die due to sins committed in previous birth.
Y-2- If the dispositor of lord of 9th, or the dispositor of Sun is conjunct with Rahu, death should again be presumed to be due to sins of previous birth.
Death of father
Y-1- Death of father will occur in major period of lord of 9th, if lord of 9th is in 9th with Rahu.
Y-2- If Sun or lord of 9th is conjunct with Rahu or lord of 9th is with Saturn, death of father is indicated in the major period of one of the planets involved.
Y-3- Even if a planet or planets enjoying exaltation or Moolatrikona or own house is conjunct with Rahu, death of father is likely in the major period of the former.
Y-4- If Sun at birth were in 5th or 9th, loss of father is likely in major period of Saturn.
Y-5 Death of father is likely in the major period of a malefic (connected with Sun and Rahu) posted in the 6th from lord of 5th or 9th or Asdt; if not, in the major period of the worst malefic in this lot.
Y-6- Any planet along with Rahu or Ketu in Leo; in the major period of the weakest planet in this group, death of father will occur.
P- Death of father will occur in the major period of planet associated with Sun.
P- Destruction will occur to a particular house or its significations from the 8th house thereof.
P- Predictions concerning a bhava should be based on the bhava concerned, planets there in, lord of the house and the aspects on that house; malefic or benefic nature and the intensity of the results will depend on their strength.
P- Predictions should take into account the time (age) and the country in which the native lives; highly malefic yogas operating on a horoscope with connections to 8th house, may cause premature death or death in childhood.
P- Longevity of native should only be thought of after the native has completed 16 years.
Shanker Adawal
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