Planets, Signs and Houses: Zodiacal Signs Described and Attributes of Various Ascendant and Signs, Chapter III, Part – 29


Dr. Shanker Adawal

The Pure Scorpio Native

He is deep in his feelings, passionately and devotedly attached to the person or the cause that is his, but equally passionately unchanging in his detestation of what is disliked. Such strength of feeling naturally drives to extremes of behaviour, but the entire chart must be studied before an idea can be gained as to the way in which such strength may be used. Even so, there is a note of regeneration in this sign. The aim and the expression may change completely. It is the drive, the depth and the passion that endure. The working from the hidden depths may produce the underground activity of the criminal with his cruel sting, or the devoted work for a loved person, work or cause. The true feelings are often kept very secret. If for a cause, the hiddenness which is common to all the Water signs may be related to that oneness to which mysticism in its highest sense forever points. This “Water” sign has the force of a mountain torrent and the unfathomable-ness of the depths of the sea.

In love he is passionate and with strong sexual feelings. Whereas the Martian Aries was ardent and forceful in his fiery nature, this Martian is deeply emotional, often with a mystical intensity in his love.

Overstress or misuse of these traits will mean passions which will not be deflected in their aim. Deep smouldering resentments against another, jealousy in love, hatred of fellow-man, can lead to danger and disaster. Over-secretiveness may cause bitter misunderstandings. The hidden sting may lead to death, which is Mars/Pluto manner ends one chapter of life and begins another.

Inhibition of his natural traits will be caused by subjection to too “pedestrian” an existence.

As a child the Scorpio native will be affectionate, but liable to sudden rages and storms.

Like the Aries, he should be given something to do so that this energy is used. It must be remembered that this is emotional energy, hence the outlets should be through emotional channels, through people to love, pictures to paint, poetry to be written, leading the child to “love the highest when he sees it.”

Physical Characteristics

The eyes tend to be deep-set and steady in their gaze, often so markedly that the look appears hypnotic. Even if not to this extent, the Scorpio person often appears to be watching and waiting for something or someone. He has an eagle-eyed look. The bone above the eyes seems prominent and is very frequently made more so by an exaggeration of the Martian eyebrows. This denotes strength of character for good or evil. Of late years, the feminine habit of thinning such eyebrows or removing them altogether and replacing them with an attempt to copy the delicate Venus curve, shows that without knowing the cause, femininity realizes, that it is the truly feminine look which attracts!


All fixed signs have a tendency to rheumatism. The connection with the opposite sign indicates possible trouble. Difficulties with generative organs occur. Ruptures and abscesses may also be mentioned.

Way of living

The Scorpio native is at his best in any sphere where his natural urges can be reasonably expressed. He is therefore better when he can deal with real life and not with trivialities.

The Mars ruler-ship is very evident in the desire to cut, to penetrate and to probe. In real life the Scorpio person wishes to do so for healing purposes. His desire is to transform, to give wings to those who are bound by illness, physical or mental.

He will be well placed as a doctor or preferably a surgeon who cuts into the body, or a psychologist who probes into the mental states of the unconscious self, endeavouring to bring to the surface and get rid of what was hidden. His ability to search for what is hidden and his persistence in tracking it down make him a good detective. Hence he inclines to research, whether in industry, science, or in more abstract ways, such as psychical research, occultism or mysticism.

Like Cancer, the first water sign, he will love art, music, poetry, and romantic literature and will put strength and depth into any creative work which he does. Again like Cancer, he will love the sea and often goes to sea by way of profession.


These should be varied so that both the energy of Mars and the intuition of Water can be used. Hence, active sports such as boxing, also the arts and the occult studies. All water sports are enjoyed.

Note – Scorpio is a Fixed and Negative sign, so in it may be seen with the desire to remain firm in conviction and set ways. But, this is the second of the water signs, so the combination of such fixity is with the emotionality of this triplicity. Water has been described as unstable; hence the Scorpio person is often at war with himself in this utterly contrary mixing of two trends in his very deep nature. His negativity appears as depth of character and reserve of force.


Shanker Adawal

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