Dr. Shanker Adawal
Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Periods in
Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
Results of the Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub-Periods
of planets in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of planets in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Ketu in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Ketu in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
i) Injury due to fall
from a horse, injury due to vehicle, dispute with the enemies, committing
murder unintentionally.
from a horse, injury due to vehicle, dispute with the enemies, committing
murder unintentionally.
of Venus in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Venus in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
ii) Gain of land,
destruction of enemy, gain of horse, mental happiness, acquisition of animal
and pasture.
destruction of enemy, gain of horse, mental happiness, acquisition of animal
and pasture.
of the Sun in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of the Sun in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
iii) Danger from
thieves, fire and enemies, loss of wealth, mental anguish and distress similar
to death.
thieves, fire and enemies, loss of wealth, mental anguish and distress similar
to death.
of the Moon in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of the Moon in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
iv) Reverence of deity,
Brahmins and preceptors, Journey to a distant place, wealth, comforts, ailment
in throat or eyes etc.
Brahmins and preceptors, Journey to a distant place, wealth, comforts, ailment
in throat or eyes etc.
of Mars in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Mars in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
v) Bile disease,
growth in nose (a kind of disease) delusion due to down fall and causing enmity
with brothers (kinsmen)
growth in nose (a kind of disease) delusion due to down fall and causing enmity
with brothers (kinsmen)
of Rahu in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Rahu in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
vi) Confrontation with
wife and children, leaving the house, losses and also gains at work due to bold
act etc.
wife and children, leaving the house, losses and also gains at work due to bold
act etc.
of Jupiter in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Jupiter in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
vii) Injuries caused by
weapons, serious disease, heart ailment, grief of wife and children etc., loss
of wealth.
weapons, serious disease, heart ailment, grief of wife and children etc., loss
of wealth.
of Saturn in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Saturn in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
Intensification of delusion, always involved in savagery, addiction of bad
habits and distress, death of friends.
Intensification of delusion, always involved in savagery, addiction of bad
habits and distress, death of friends.
of Mercury in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
of Mercury in the Sub-Sub-Sub-Period of Ketu:
ix) Bed of roses,
jewellery, paste of `Sandal’ wood, decent meals, all kinds of pleasurable
comforts etc.
jewellery, paste of `Sandal’ wood, decent meals, all kinds of pleasurable
comforts etc.
x) Others say – Mental
agony, disturbed education, fear and loss in various ventures.
agony, disturbed education, fear and loss in various ventures.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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