Shanker Adawal
Shanker Adawal
with Moon:
with Moon:
The native never continue
one career in his life he use to change number of times, who will never be
interested to work hard, and who will have interest in the field of arts,
literature, liquids, water contents, travel pertaining to his career. He is not
supposed to have proper understanding with his wife and mother but he will not
stay in his father’s house and colds and cause effects often bother him. He is
a man of imagination, to be a good author and a bit lazy too.
one career in his life he use to change number of times, who will never be
interested to work hard, and who will have interest in the field of arts,
literature, liquids, water contents, travel pertaining to his career. He is not
supposed to have proper understanding with his wife and mother but he will not
stay in his father’s house and colds and cause effects often bother him. He is
a man of imagination, to be a good author and a bit lazy too.
with Mars:
with Mars:
Success comes from great
obstacles and struggling where hard word is beneficial. Machinery, factories,
engineering works are beneficial.
obstacles and struggling where hard word is beneficial. Machinery, factories,
engineering works are beneficial.
with Mercury:
with Mercury:
Major success is found in
business activities intellectual works, writing, and he is soft and calm
nature, which is his career.
business activities intellectual works, writing, and he is soft and calm
nature, which is his career.
with Jupiter:
with Jupiter:
This is one of the best
combinations and some of the great personalities having this combination are
great and who achieve eternal name not only in society and in this earth.
combinations and some of the great personalities having this combination are
great and who achieve eternal name not only in society and in this earth.
with Venus:
with Venus:
The native will be gifted
in second half of life. He enjoys good fortune after marriage and benefits
which will come from different sources, such as banking, good business
organizations, through luxury articles. The native will become wealthy one with
house and properties. There is good influence brought up from wife’s side.
in second half of life. He enjoys good fortune after marriage and benefits
which will come from different sources, such as banking, good business
organizations, through luxury articles. The native will become wealthy one with
house and properties. There is good influence brought up from wife’s side.
with Dragon Head:
with Dragon Head:
Saturn is black Dragon
Head is shade or the wheel (Chakra). The native having this combination will
have a career connecting films, vehicles, printing presses or in other words it
is anything moving like wheels-or chaya (the shade) chakra-the wheel.
Head is shade or the wheel (Chakra). The native having this combination will
have a career connecting films, vehicles, printing presses or in other words it
is anything moving like wheels-or chaya (the shade) chakra-the wheel.
Saturn and Rahu-Door
keeper servant of low category.
keeper servant of low category.
with Dragon Tail:
with Dragon Tail:
The person or native
having this combination is desperate in life in career because of maximum work
and minimum salary and who will work as a writing or ordinary worker who enjoys
saintly thoughts. People of this will lead their life in textiles factory,
sewing (tailoring) and medical departments.
having this combination is desperate in life in career because of maximum work
and minimum salary and who will work as a writing or ordinary worker who enjoys
saintly thoughts. People of this will lead their life in textiles factory,
sewing (tailoring) and medical departments.
Head in Aries:
Head in Aries:
This is a shadow planet
and as we have explained this is causative planet for Big, Rope, Round, Head,
Shade, Black Dungeon, Vacant – Top portion of Kala Purusha’s Head.
and as we have explained this is causative planet for Big, Rope, Round, Head,
Shade, Black Dungeon, Vacant – Top portion of Kala Purusha’s Head.
Roads, Circles, Drywood,
dried leather, godowns plastic.
dried leather, godowns plastic.
Lanes, hair, rope, thread,
sexual organs, penis and vagina, temple, choultry, prayer half of charity
church) hospitals.
sexual organs, penis and vagina, temple, choultry, prayer half of charity
church) hospitals.
The effects of these two
planets are based through the combinations of remaining planets. For example,
Rahu + Saturn + Venus in Taurus – this denotes Rahu is big, Saturn is work, and
Venus is money. This indicates the native works in big financial fields, or
luxurious concerns. If the same combination in the sign of Artistic sign of
(Moon) for arts, dance, drama (cancer) this denotes the native will earn in the
film or chaya (Photographic) arts.
planets are based through the combinations of remaining planets. For example,
Rahu + Saturn + Venus in Taurus – this denotes Rahu is big, Saturn is work, and
Venus is money. This indicates the native works in big financial fields, or
luxurious concerns. If the same combination in the sign of Artistic sign of
(Moon) for arts, dance, drama (cancer) this denotes the native will earn in the
film or chaya (Photographic) arts.
If the Saturn with
Dragon-Tail is seen this denotes the native’s work will be in small or
sacrificing concern-lighting.
Dragon-Tail is seen this denotes the native’s work will be in small or
sacrificing concern-lighting.
If the Jupiter with
Dragon-Tail and Moon in Cancer or in Pisces, the native will visit many holy
places or born in a holy place, who will have divine virtues from his past
Dragon-Tail and Moon in Cancer or in Pisces, the native will visit many holy
places or born in a holy place, who will have divine virtues from his past
The place of birth of
native is near a well, with a lane nearby.
native is near a well, with a lane nearby.
Sun with Venus and Dragon
head – The native’s father will have to meet major accidents or death within 18
or 38th year of the native’s life and the native’s father amassed
wealth by fraud and cunning means. This causes the death and death is nothing
but due to evil methods-black magic and due to females.
head – The native’s father will have to meet major accidents or death within 18
or 38th year of the native’s life and the native’s father amassed
wealth by fraud and cunning means. This causes the death and death is nothing
but due to evil methods-black magic and due to females.
Hereafter in the
experimental charts used as illustrations we hve kept Saturn as the basis for
the determination of one’s profession.
experimental charts used as illustrations we hve kept Saturn as the basis for
the determination of one’s profession.
What is the Rasi in which
Saturn is located and what are its qualities? We shall discuss as follows by
suitable illustrate charts.
Saturn is located and what are its qualities? We shall discuss as follows by
suitable illustrate charts.
The profession of the
native is generally determined by the planets which are with Saturn or in the 7th
Rasi from Saturn and their Karakathwas.
native is generally determined by the planets which are with Saturn or in the 7th
Rasi from Saturn and their Karakathwas.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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