Results of Bhadra (Maha Purusha) Yoga

Shanker Adawal        
In general, the results
said to be conferred by this Maha Purusha Yoga are as follows:-

The native will have a
prominent chest, looks like a lion and walks like an elephant. His hands will
be long and he is generally of very good morale and conduct. He possesses
lovely feet. He is passionate and a Satwika. His nose will be prominent,  hair black and his ability to handle
situations will be superb. He is loved by his own people and he shares  his happiness with friends. He will enjoy a
happy married life and conjugal bliss and will be blessed with faithful
children. He will be commanding influence if he takes the profession or service
in the area of Madhya Pradesh and generally lives a full term. He will be  neat and clean. He will be praised and
respected by learned people and he becomes very rich, shrewd and a leader. He
will be impressive in his speech and he will mobilize the minds of the public

The native born with
Bhadrayoga will become charitable and independent in views and he will be liked
by females. His face resembles that of a tiger. His way of walking and its
style are as dignified as that of an elephant.

All the three humours viz;
Vaata, Pitta and Sleshma will be predominant in his system. He will be an
expert in expounding the sacred scriptures. He will be courageous and will be
devoted to Brahmins, saints, preceptors mentors and God. He will be of somewhat
dark complexion, skilled in fine arts, will be longlived and will be intent on
doing his own business.

Mithuna Lagna:
The Yoga is formed when Budha occupies the
lagna or the 4th house Kanya, his place of exaltation. The lagna
being a windy (tatwa) Rasi and Budha being an earthy planet, the placement is
not good. No doubt he gets high Dig Bala but 
he is not at his best. Kanya is the sign of his exaltation and belongs
to Prithvi Tatwa. When Budha is in the 4th Bhava he confers wisdom.
The native born in Mithunaq lagna with Budha in Kanya will be proficient in
Vedanta and mathematics. The conjunction of Budha with Sani in Kanya is good
for Mithun Rasi as it would be the conjunction of the lords of Kendra and Kona.
But some books discount such conjunction as Sani is essentially the eighth lord
first and then the ninth lord. Such people will be full of confidence fond of
daring deeds, tactful, clever, alert, foresighted and much interested in
material comforts. There will be high degree of selfishness as well. The native
will be tactful, well educated, smart and intelligent. He will be a good orator
commanding respect. While in Mithuna Budha confers education, riches, Tapasya,
sweet speech, good personality, devotion to Swadharma and a bit of vain glory.
Budha represents Vignana or Science and literary talents.

Kanya Lagna:
Budha confers Yoga by occupying the
ascendant or the 10th house. When the Yoga is formed in the
ascendant it makes the  native righteous
in conduct, free from fear and, adhering to Dharma or one’s own religious
ordinance. Such native become writers or poets. They respect friends and they
are of charitable disposition and good oratory abilities. Budha in 10th
house assures success in life, makes one intelligent and confers all material
comforts. Such people are respected for their charitable disposition.

Dhanu Lagna:
Budha confers Bhadra Yoga while in the 7th
or in the 10th sign. While in the 7th house Mercury no
doubt confers reputation, respect, nobleness, cheerful disposition, righteous
conduct ministership, riches and learning in Vedic lore but he spoils the
significance of the 7th house to some extent. Budha in Kanya makes
people born in Sagittarius enjoy the benefits of Poorva Punya. Such people
command good respect and reasonably good wealth. They get good success in all
attempts and they are diplomatic and tactful.

Meena Lagna:
Budha in the 4th or the 7th
house confers this Yoga. Such native are successful in life and they respect
religion and ancient customs and traditions. They are devoted to God and
preceptors. But they often prove obstinate and selfish. They possess good
personality and they make friends of all very soon. They also enjoy all
comforts and protection from parents.
Budha in the 7th
house generally confers high efficiency in fine arts. But people born in Pisces
ascendant with Mercury in the 7th house do not shine well. They
become avaricious, jealous and disappointed in love affairs.

These are but a few
indications of Bhadra Yoga.

Dr. Shanker Adawal
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