“Rudraksha Therapy” for Perfect Health

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Rudraksha is a dried herbal fruit. Rudraksha mother land or birth place is mountains of Himalayas more so in Nepal. Rudraksha are considered to be sacred and have many spiritual and medicinal values both as preventive and curative. Rudraksha is the King of Herbal medicine working effectively and positively on mental faculty and also correcting by using internally and externally aiming for PERFECT HEALTH of body, mind and spirit. We have taken up this project under Indian Medicine Academy and developed it as “Rudraksha Therapy”.
The mode of action of Rudraksha Therapy is covered by basic principles of Ayurveda and it also fulfils the ideals of gentle, harmless and quick restoration of health basing on comprehensive principles. This therapy being purely herbal and most tolerable by natural human body, can be taken by persons of any age, sex & profession and it has no side effects, after effects or reactions.
As now we have realized that the more indiscriminately we use the Allopathic drugs, the worst the disturbance of the vital force and the human body’s natural mechanism and the resistance power of the body are gradually reduced. Hence there is rapid growth in the usage and wearing of Rudraksha by more and more people in this computer age in India and in various other parts of the World. It is mainly due to the positive results gained by Rudraksha warning and internal usage for perfect health.
Rudraksha Therapy has been found useful broadly in the treatment of High Blood Pressure. High Cholesterol content in the blood, thus keeps the Heat ailments away various allergies neurological diseases, early stage of Asthma, Diabetes, Cancer, Many other circulatory and mental ailments, both as preventive and as curative. In chronic cases of long sufferings with many complications, which could not be successfully treated by any other medical systems, Rudraksha mixed with various Ayurvedic herbs given internally, not only improves its effectieness but also cuts short the treatment period, defending upon the patient’s conditions, seriousness of the disease with any other complications with multiple occupational or domestic serious problems.
When the Japam is being performed with Rudraksha Mala keeping the beads little pressed and pushed, a type of acupressure is being done on the Acupressure points in the Thumb and Middle finger. This improves the blood circulation at eyes, mental nerves, pituitary and pineal and it prevents the cold and Asthma.
The latest research result is no wearing Rudraksha necklace or Rudraksha Mala in helping to radiate out the accumulated static electricity growing due to internal bioelectrical current flow and radiating out the accumulated charge in outer space thereby allowing the free circulation and the uniform distribution to all the parts of human body. Rudraksha can be wormed by people of all caste, communities, Ladies can also wear them, Rudraksha should not be worn by ladies during the intercourse time by all, it is sound that for the purpose of medical use and worshiping, the bigger Rudraksha is the best one. Smaller or medium size Rudraksha are most effective for wearing and Japam. Rudraksha can be wormed on wrists, forearms, necks, chest, head, forehead in rings, on ear lodes, on stomach and also as yognopatitham, as per the experts’ advice and one’s need. Tulsi Mala will give psychic powers and prosperity. To get complete benefit Rudraksha Mala can be made of 108, 54, 36, 27 or 18 beeds. One should use those Rudraksha only which are nice, handsome, strong, auspicious and well thorny and clearly grooved faces and having natural central self holed Rudraksha wearer gets different types of benefits depending upon the Rudraksha faces.
On the basis of pharmacological experiments made by Indian and foreign experts it is proved that Rudraksha are beneficial in the treatment of Neurological diseases and various mental disorders. Rudraksha worked as Central Nervous System Depressants. Anticonvulsant, Cardiac, stimulant, smooth muscle relaxant. Hypertensive and Hypoglycemic. Rudraksha showed the following biological activity. 1) Anti bacterial, 2) Anti Fungal, 3) Anti protozoal, 4) Anti helminthic, 5) Anti Viral and 6) Cancer properties.
It is evident from the subjective survey, that 30 percent people use it for spiritual purpose, 35 percent for mental troubles and 35 percent for cardiac troubles. As regards its effects, cardiac troubles. As regards its effects, cardiac patients found to get 85 percent relief, followed by 71 percent relief of mental troubles and 50 percent in spiritual group. These findings clearly indicate that Rudraksha has more therapeutic values as compared to spiritual values.

Shanker Adawal
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