Shanker Adawal’s Astro read and trend for your Sun Signs

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Predictions based on Bhrigu Nadi Tecnique

Weekly Astro read from
May 9, 2010 to May 16, 2010. Based on Your Sun Sign Trends.

ARIES: You will be satisfied in completing the work taken up by the weekend. There will some issues with brothers or like brothers – if already some issue exists. The opposites sex who falls in this sign will be under some pressure. Issues stuck due to lack of communication/ finance issues /debt repayment /ticks by others will come in the forefront. A good time – to be with family – and gain of knowledge. Service matters will progress. Those in love will find the week nice and eventful. People dealing with paper and electronics should close things be week end.
TAURUS: The week to plan and you will be very practical in your approach. Do not waste time with those in authority .Keep it for next week. Politicians and allied should plan this week .Attending exhibitions and matters related to art and craft will do well / be satisfying. The men of this sign will have a tendency to close issues with there friends by a conciliatory approach – the actual energy will bounce in a months time – need to be clear in relationships. In job if things have not been good you will get a perspective after May, 12. Issues of children bothering you as well of family/finance for the last few months will get resolves / clarity will emerge. Do not plan unconventional things as will lead to tensions. Good for family.
GEMINI: You will feel like withdrawing yourself / feel like writing and be to yourself. In the work space some changes will start brewing which may impact a few months later. Good time to deal with authority / bosses and get your doubts cleared. Issues relation to home/ property/ personal needs will get resolved by mid week. There will some struggle with regard to job. You will enjoy if in a relationship and those wanting to propose – a good week.
CANCER: Low energy will prevail. You will avoid a fight /showdown. Would be keen to enter in partnerships – joint efforts .  Issues at work will perturb you. Will mange through good communication and spending money / other resources. A week where you will be understood and also may think of travel/expenses. In relationships you will talk to sort issues and if a problem exists – you will have to wait. Luck is on your side. Gain in the relationship + time to propose also.
LEO: The ME will dominate. Financial issues that were stuck will get cleared by the mid –week. In group dealings you need to think and then talk. A very good week for resolving partnership and professional issues. Work will be the focus and would be a rewarding week. With your love you may plan a big future – exercise caution. Those in the entertainment .PR and allied jobs – a good time to start afresh if required. Do not neglect immediate family or there will be trouble form there.
VIRGO: In workplace though things are normal but you will worry yourself by thinking. The promotion expected will not come but need to be patient. Do not take your boss for granted and be on the right side of your elders. Unexpected expense on health issues of family member or a non planned expense may have to be done.  A week when you can travel and enjoy. Also gain form selling some old property.
LIBRA: Mode of self pity and like to be avoided. You will start work for a prestigious assignment. Secretive activities or back biting etc can happen at work place – no harm will happen though. You should carefully nurture your loved ones and if in a mood to break – do thing over till the weekend.
SCORPIO: The time is positive and of gains in your job or profession. Some issues with fairer sex will come up to deal. Be careful on road and do not take any sickness lightly. Relationships could break if in love and have been talking – think and do not change for the sake – there could be sudden reversals.
SAGITARIUS: Issues with job and allied things will get sorted out either way – there will be a conclusion if pending. The fairer sex will have problems have problems with men – in some way or the other depending upon the relationship. Your spouses to take care of health.
CAPRICORN: High mental energy but will not translate in action. A week to plan / research and enjoy yourself. Debts if any you will plan and / or repay. Health will improve if not been well. Travel could be planned and you have luck with you – use it.
AQUARIUS: Please do be a little cautious while dealing with wife/partner and your personal issues/job front – things may reverse if you do not plan – more so for pending issues stuck during the past weeks. You can counsel your children – a good week for that. Men will have to deal with there friends in  relationship and the fairer sex will have to deal with some element of moral cowardice of there male friends or like .
PISCES: A very good week for planning your moves in the job space – things will be to your advantage. Time to be with family. Those in relationships will talk, plan and move ahead .Also to sort out if problems exist. Do not be over emotional – keep a practical approach .Your focus will be home/mother / property – if issues were pending will get cleared.
These are trends – free will is important. All queries on MAIL – etc – to be posted on FACE BOOK – ON GROUP MENTIONED ABOVE.
Bless Me,
Shanker Adawal
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