yoga, it means the achievement of objective through the intervention of a third
party. It implies following conditions:
Lagnesh and Karyesh are in Ithasala.
Lagnesh and Karyesh are in Ithasala.
ii) An
unqualified Moon (neither exalted nor debilitated, nor aspected/associated,
nor in its own Hudda, Drekkana/ Navamsha) is in the last degree of a sign.
unqualified Moon (neither exalted nor debilitated, nor aspected/associated,
nor in its own Hudda, Drekkana/ Navamsha) is in the last degree of a sign.
iii) On
entering the next sign, the Moon establishes Ithasala with Lagnesh/ Karyesh and
some other powerful planet.
entering the next sign, the Moon establishes Ithasala with Lagnesh/ Karyesh and
some other powerful planet.
This yoga is similar to Bhavishyat Ithasala Yoga, but if
unqualified Moon on entering next house, establishes Ithasala only with a weak
planet, this yoga would be inauspicious.
unqualified Moon on entering next house, establishes Ithasala only with a weak
planet, this yoga would be inauspicious.
In the above chart, Lagnesh
Sun forms Ithasala with 4th lord Mars. Moon in last degree of Virgo
is devoid of any good quality. The Moon is about to join Libra, where exalted
Saturn is already posited. Moon also forms Ithasala with Lagnesh Sun, Karyesh
Mars and Saturn. Thus Ghairi-Kamboola yoga formed here is auspicious because of
Khallasar Yoga: This is negation of Kamboola Yoga. This
arises when Lagnesh and Karyesh are in Ithasala, but Moon though unqualified
does not aspect either Lagnesh/ Karyesh and is beyond the Deeptamsha range.
There is no intermingling of rays/ orb, and Khallasar Yoga is formed. The
result is disappointment and failure. In the above chart No. 12, if Moon had a
degree of 20 and Saturn in Libra is not there. Then Khallasar Yoga would have
been formed.
arises when Lagnesh and Karyesh are in Ithasala, but Moon though unqualified
does not aspect either Lagnesh/ Karyesh and is beyond the Deeptamsha range.
There is no intermingling of rays/ orb, and Khallasar Yoga is formed. The
result is disappointment and failure. In the above chart No. 12, if Moon had a
degree of 20 and Saturn in Libra is not there. Then Khallasar Yoga would have
been formed.
Rudda/ Radda Yoga: This yoga is negation or destruction of
Ithasala yoga. In an Ithasala, if either of the planet is weak i.e. retrograde,
combust, debilitated, or in a Trika (6, 8, or 12th) house or is in
conjunction with or aspected by a malefic. A weak planet is functionally
useless and is incapable of producing good results. The adverse effect is more
likely to occur if the above qualifications are applicable to faster moving
Ithasala yoga. In an Ithasala, if either of the planet is weak i.e. retrograde,
combust, debilitated, or in a Trika (6, 8, or 12th) house or is in
conjunction with or aspected by a malefic. A weak planet is functionally
useless and is incapable of producing good results. The adverse effect is more
likely to occur if the above qualifications are applicable to faster moving
However there are two
interesting prepositions. When the fast moving planet, placed in a Kendra,
forms Ithasala with a slow moving planet in an Apoklim house, it gives good
results in the beginning, which get spoilt later. But if a fast moving planet
in an Apoklin house forms Ithasala with a slow moving planet in a Kendra, it
causes eventual improvement of the situation which has been in bad shape
interesting prepositions. When the fast moving planet, placed in a Kendra,
forms Ithasala with a slow moving planet in an Apoklim house, it gives good
results in the beginning, which get spoilt later. But if a fast moving planet
in an Apoklin house forms Ithasala with a slow moving planet in a Kendra, it
causes eventual improvement of the situation which has been in bad shape
The main features of the
above charts are;
above charts are;
Lagnesh Mercury & Karyesh Jupiter are in Ithasala.
Lagnesh Mercury & Karyesh Jupiter are in Ithasala.
The Karyesh AJupiter is retrograde and afflicted by close association of Rahu.
The Karyesh AJupiter is retrograde and afflicted by close association of Rahu.
However, faster moving planet, Lagnesh Mercury is placed unafflicted in a Trikone (5th
house) from lagna and exchange house with its depositor Venus; hence there
will be gains initially but there will be some troubles later on.
However, faster moving planet, Lagnesh Mercury is placed unafflicted in a Trikone (5th
house) from lagna and exchange house with its depositor Venus; hence there
will be gains initially but there will be some troubles later on.
Dupali-kutha Yoga: This yoga is formed when a strong slow
moving planet forms Ithasala with a weak faster moving planet. The
determination of strength/ weakness of planets is done on the basis of
Panchvargiya Bala. The result of this yoga is that fruition of objective will
take place after certain amount of efforts. However the weakness of fast moving
planet should not be due combustion, debilitation or by positioning in an
inimical house; because then it would amount to Rudda yoga.
moving planet forms Ithasala with a weak faster moving planet. The
determination of strength/ weakness of planets is done on the basis of
Panchvargiya Bala. The result of this yoga is that fruition of objective will
take place after certain amount of efforts. However the weakness of fast moving
planet should not be due combustion, debilitation or by positioning in an
inimical house; because then it would amount to Rudda yoga.
Dutthota-Davira Yoga: This yoga is formed when Lagnesh and
Karyesh are weak and in mutual Tajika aspect, but may or may not be in
Ithasala. One of them (Lagnesh/ Karyesh) is in Ithasala with another strong
planet which is in its exaltation/ own sign. This yoga indicates realization of
objective through the help of some one usually after some delay. Ithasala with
a strong planet renders a weak Lagnesh/ Karyesh also strong. The Lagnesh &
Karyesh may not be in Ithasala but must be in mutual aspect to derive benefit
of the third strong planet.
Karyesh are weak and in mutual Tajika aspect, but may or may not be in
Ithasala. One of them (Lagnesh/ Karyesh) is in Ithasala with another strong
planet which is in its exaltation/ own sign. This yoga indicates realization of
objective through the help of some one usually after some delay. Ithasala with
a strong planet renders a weak Lagnesh/ Karyesh also strong. The Lagnesh &
Karyesh may not be in Ithasala but must be in mutual aspect to derive benefit
of the third strong planet.
Main Features are:
Lagesh Mars and Karyesh Sun are not in Ithasala.
Lagesh Mars and Karyesh Sun are not in Ithasala.
Both Lagnesh & Karyesh are weak.
Both Lagnesh & Karyesh are weak.
Mars is in Ithasala with Venus who is posited in her Mooltrikone sign, Libra
Mars is in Ithasala with Venus who is posited in her Mooltrikone sign, Libra
Dr. Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.com
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