The Winged Messenger of the Gods

The Winged Messenger of the Gods”

Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

In Mythology Mercury is the son of Jupiter and a friend of Apollo (the Sun). He is called a youth flying with “wings” at his heels. He is the god of commerce, is dual in nature and lacks concentration. If Mercury has any connection with other planets by conjunction, aspect or occupation of sign, etc., one must cultivate steady habits, concentrate and meditate properly as Mercury denotes vacillation and lack of concentration.

Mercury is a variable, convertible, vacillating, feminine, effeminate, neutral and dualistic planet. He is called convertible because when he is conjoined with or aspected by benefic, he proves to be a benefic, but if he is in any way connected with evil planets, he becomes a malefic. He rules over the solar plexus and the central nervous system. Being an intellectual planet the native is highly intelligent, ingenious and intellectual.

He will grasp the subjects very quickly and has retentive power and reproductive ability. A well placed Mercury has a subtle political brain and intellect, a logician with learning and discretion. A Mercury native is a searcher into mysteries and learning, sharp and witty, learning almost anything without a teacher and ambitious of being exquisite in every science. He possesses the desire to make frequent short travels and see foreign places. He is curious to master occult sciences also. His greatest drawback is that he does not remain steady enough to complete a project and if he is to be successful he must strain every nerve to overcome this defect. Restlessness and variability are Mercury’s characteristics. When afflicted, the native becomes hermetic. He will be clever, cunning and mischievous, not refraining from anonymous complaints. His tongue and pen will ever be against those whom he dislikes. He will turn out to be a great gambler, the worst liar, a conceited, showy and vain-glorious person. He will be a talkative person, perverted, eccentric, unprincipled, inconstant and boastful. He will commit mistakes due to forgetfulness and be a man of moods.

Mercury in dignity and receiving favourable aspects makes one versatile, good in mathematical calculations, engineering, accounts, correspondence, etc. Usually a Mercury native will be tall with well formed body.

Mercury has particular influence over the nervous system, bowels, hands, arms, shoulders, collar-bone, tongue, sense of sight, perception, understanding, and interpretation or expression. Persons who respond to Mercury as a ruling planet are active minded, quick to discern, eager to acquire knowledge, fond of investigation, enquiry, research, exploration and are usually much given to reading. Mercury rules that part of the intellect which is susceptible to cultivation. Its colours are blue-grey and dove, also spotted mixtures, its nature is neutral and dualistic and its metal is quick silver.

Mercury brings the light of the Sun in the form of logical mind, pure mind, through which we, mortals, are able to illuminate our store of more experience, to arrange and order them so that we may get some idea of their nature and the way in which they are to be used. As,however, the effect of this light depends on what is lighted (i.e., the experience), it is evident that Mercury is called as “changeable” or “adaptable” of the following verse:

“There were six men

To learning much inclined

Who liked to see the Elephant

Though all of them were blind” etc. etc.

One bumps up against the elephant’s body and receives the impression of a large heavy wall; another feeling the trunk comes to the conclusion that the creature resembles a snake; the third comes in contact with a leg and called the elephant a tree and so on.

Similarly we do not all get the same mental insight from Mercury as we do get the same instinct of life from the Sun, but what we receive adapts itself to that which we have obtained already.

The sign, through which the Mercury influence reaches, indicates the way in which our mind works and what attracts it most. And it goes without saying that this planet feels more at home in the signs of Gemini and Virgo ruled by itself the nature of which is observant and discriminating in Gemini and its positive effect manifests its ability to observe and survey. In Virgo its negative side it manifests in arranging, ordering, purifying.

Disease: head in whirl, epilepsy, loss of memory and power of speech, disease of the tongue or mouth, dyspepsia. The planet represents carbon and soda.

Colour: Green like grass blade.

Vocation: Lawyer, barrister, attorney, astrologer, writer, clerk, Journalist, businessman, painter, magician, accountant, auditor, publisher, bookseller, broker, commercial agent.

Birth star: Sravana and Dhanistha.

Digit: 4, 20, 54.

Strength: when the full Moon is associated with Rohini, Hasta, Sravana or Dhanistha, Mercury becomes strong. Favourable relation between Mercury and benefic Moon makes the native highly meritorious, intelligent and educated. Again beneficial relation among the Sun, the Moon and Mercury enables the native to enjoy unstained peace of mind and he (the native) can raise himself beyond the material surroundings by practicing `Japa and Tapas’. Also favourable disposition between these two planets (Mercury and Moon) endows the native with sharp memory.

A man becomes a poet of extraordinary caliber if strong Mercury, Venus and Sun or the Moon are conjoined together. Favourable relation among Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn makes a native a successful astrologer. The native also becomes a successful astrologer when Mercury is in a favourable house from Ascendant and Venus occupying the 2nd place in the birth chart is exalted in Navamsa Chakra.

The native is an engineer when in his birth chart Mercury having been associated with `Hasta’ Nakshatra (Star No. 13) is placed in an angles position from Ascendant.

Temperamentally- beneficial Mercury indicates activity, agility, energy, intellect, talent, wit, adaptability. When he is unfavourable the native indulges in illegal practices, he becomes a forgery expert, thief, burglar, swindler and racketeere.

Mercury casts a quarter glances on the 3rd and 10th house, half a glance on the 5th and 9th house, three-fourth glance on the 4th and 8th houses and full glance on the 7th house. He aspects the constellations Aslesa (ruled by itself), Uttaraphalguni (ruled by the Sun) and Svati (ruled by Rahu). His friends are Sun, Venus and Rahu and Moon alone is his enemy. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are his neutrals, He is strong in the Ascendant and is the chief governor for houses 4 and 10. He is exalted at 15 degrees of Virgo and his Moolatrikona is in 16 to 20 degrees, the remaining degrees of Virgo being his own house. His inimical sign is Cancer and fate dawns in the 32nd year.

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