Types of Hands

The  characteristics of each person are closely linked with the type of hands one is possessed of. There are seven types of hands and each has its own significance. The seven categories are elementary, square, spatulate, philosophic, conic, psychic and mixed.

Elementary Hand
The hand is short and clumsy and of awkward formation. The thumb, which represents intellect, is also badly formed Persons with this type of hand have little mental ability and are engaged in occupations requiring unskilled labour. They lack control over their passions and are ruled generally by animal instincts.
Square Hand
The palm is square at the wrist and at the base of the fingers and the fingers are also square. This type of hand is termed useful as the possessors are practical, disciplined, logical and guided by reason. They have the qualities of perseverance, punctuality and foresight. They are charitable in times of need.
Spatulate Hand
The spatulate hand is wider at the base of the fingers or very broad at the wrist, and sloping towards the base of the fingers.
Those who have such hands often like to be original in their approach and hesitate to follow old conventions and customs. They are full of energy, initiative and a gung ho spirit, interested in new inventions and in doing extraordinary things.
The hand is long and angular. The fingers are also the same. Philosophers, yogis and mystics possess such hands. They seek higher wisdom rather than money. It is said that our sages who discoverede many scientific laws, including the occult sciences, had such hands.
Conic hands are also called artistic hands. The fingers are even upto the end. The hands have a beautiful shape. The fingers have rounded tapering ends. Persons of this type are impulsive, artistic and moved by higher emotions. They are fond of luxurious living. Their likes and dislikes are extreme.
Such hands are very beautiful to look at, but so far as wordly comforts are concerned, the possessors are not fortunate enough to enjoy these. The fingers are long, slender and tapering. The hands are small, smooth and soft. They are dreamers, visionaries and idealists. They succeed in art and design. They have faith in destiny and take things as they come.
Mixed Hand
This type is a mixture of the six hands detailed above. Something from each makes up this hand. The interests and characteristics of the subjects are determined by the types of hands that predominate.
While studying a hand, we have to take into account the size of the hand. There are five categories.
(i) large; (ii) very large; (iii) small; (iv) very small; and (v) average. Each size has its own significance, and the traits of the possessor will vary according to the size of the hand. The hand is divided into two parts for the purpose of this study. One, the extremity of the arm below the wrist, including the palm, which is called the hand. And, two, the inside of the hand on which we see a number of lines, called the palm.
Large Hands
Persons possessed of large hands like to go into the minutes details and want perfection. They like to observe protocol and etiquette. They have analytical talents. Large hands are considered the best, and the possessors can manage work as well as daily routine. They make good clerks, contractors, drivers, gardeners, hotel manageres, stenographers, etc. They generally write a small hand.
Very Large Hands
Persons having very large hands would like to go into each and every detail, which may not be necessary. Though they are hardworking, they seldom attain satisfaction and are termed whimsical.
Small Hands
Small hands indicate sharp intellect, broad ideas and an emotional nature. The subjects do not like to go into details, are interested in the main points, and take quick decisions. They do their best and adopt all means to succeed in their efforts and ambitions. They generally write a large hand.
Very Small Hands
Persons with very small hands have ferocious instincts, which on occasions lead them to do cruel acts. They do not have consistency in their thoughts and actions although they are a scholarly type.
Average Hands
Persons with average hands are possessed of a healthy imagination and maintain balance of mind and temper. They have common sense and face the problems of life without a murmur.
The texture of the handsd indicates a great deal about the traits of the possessor. It is classified as: (i) soft hands; (ii) flabby hands; (iii) hard hands; (iv) heavy hands; (v) thick hands, and (vi) thin hands.
Soft Hands
Persons of this type are of a poetical temperament, being possessed of the power of imagination. Generally ladies possess such hands. Men with soft hands have more of the woman in their nature. They are compassionate and sympathetic.
Flabby Hands
The subjects are lazy, lethargic, selfish, easy-going and heartless. They think only of their own comforts and feel that the world is exclusively meant for them alone. They use their intellect and speech to hoodwink others. They preach to others while hardly practicing what they tell others.
Hard Hands
Such hands suggest an industrious nature, more practical and less imaginative. The possessors face hardship with courage and determination. They are not demonstrative in their emotions, but are steadfast, reliable and straightforward.
Heavy Hands
Persons with such hands are cruel and oppress others for their own benefit and for the sake of exercising authority. They derive pleasure from inflicting cruelty on others. Hangmen, executioners and black marketers, who lack a sense of morality, have such hands.
Thick Hands
Thick-handed persons are whimsical, superstitious, sensuous, selfish and narrow-minded. They are also obstinate.
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