Vastu Shastra: An Ideal House, Chapter V, Part – 10


Dr. Shanker Adawal

Study Room

The library or study room should be located on the West side of the building, but should not be located in the corners of the house. When using a library or study room, it is best to sit facing East or North.

The bookshelves should not be in the North-West or South-West corner. Books should be in the East, North, or West sides of the room.

The door should be two-shuttered and should be located in the NorthEast, North, or West. Windows can be set on the East, North, or West walls. The walls should be painted white, sky blue, cream, or light green.

If one will not sleep in the room, a pyramidal shape (walls sloping inward as they go upward towards the ceiling) will help in study and meditation.

Sl. No.






Very good

Increase in wealth/health and prosperity



Below Average

Loss of health and wealth



Very good

Very good for academic growth. There could be a positive influence on your talents. You should face North or East while reading.



Above Average

Better locations would be East and North-East. You should face East while reading or writing.




Good for academics. You should face East or North-East while reading or writing.


South East

Below Average

Change the location to East or North-East.



Above Average

Best direction to face while studying or writing is North-East.



Below Average

Change the location to East or North-East.

Upper Floor

It is best that there are more doors and windows on the North and East sides of the building. There should be fewer windows and doors on the upper floors than on the lower ones. It is also said that the number of doors and windows on the upper floor should not equal the amount of doors and windows on the ground floor. The ceiling height of the rooms on the upper floor should be less than the ceiling height of the rooms on the ground floor.

If only part of the upper floor is used, this part should be built in the SouthWest area. The balcony should be on the North, East, or NorthEast side. The balcony should not be in the SouthWest corner. Bedrooms and study room should be located on the upper floor. A storage area for heavy items should be located on the lower floor, and not the upper.

Sl. No.






Below Average

Health problems may arise, better change the upper floor location to South or South West.



Very good

Increase in health, wealth and fame. Load heavily South or South-West. Keep North and North-East vacant or light.



Below Average

There could be health problems. If it cannot be demolished see if you can use it as a pooja room. Change the location to West.



Below Average

Loss of health and wealth



Below Average

There could be health problems. Shift the upper floor location to South or South-West. Keep North and North-East vacant or light


South East


Better Locations are South or South-West.




Better Locations are South or South-West.




Best Location for upper floor. Good for master bedroom. Load South-West and South side heavy.



Below Average

This location might make your life miserable. Never have any load or structure in centre.


Brahmasthan (Central Portion of the plot) is a principle of Vedic architecture and community planning that designates the center point of a building or geographical area. Vedic architecture is based on Vastu Shastra. While constructing the building or office it is an important factor to be reckoned. It is the region around the navel of the Vastu purusha.

The brahmasthan is a special central zone in a building. It is free from any obstructions in the form of a wall, pillar or beam, furniture or fixtures and is often well lit from above, by skylights for instance.

As per Vastu Shastra the energy line running through the centre of the plot are also equally important. Much care should be taken in building structure so that these lines are not disturbed.

According to the classical text, the `Brihat Samhita’, if a Plot is divided in 81 equal squares, the central 9 squares space is the Brahmasthana. In the House and the Room also the central location similarly is considered as the Brahmasthana. According to Brihat Samhita no Pillar, Well, Tank, Load, Wall, Dirty items, Waste items, etc. should be located/kept in the Brahmasthana. The first preference is to keep thesky visible i.e. no roof upon the Brahmasthana. Secondly, in case of having a roof under the modern condition, there should not be any Beam passing over the Brahmasthana. Fitting of fans, lights, etc. should not be made upon the Brahmasthana. Some arrangements to have opening just above the Brahmasthan to view the sky shall be always beneficial. The Brahmasthana can be used for worship, meeting place of the family members or for small function. But no furniture should be located there. In the Plot, Tulsi plant can be located in the Brahmsthana, but in that case the said plant should be worshiped and in the evening candles or lamp and dhoop should be placed there. If a Deity is placed in the Brahamsthan, the Deity should face East; the worship should be made by facing the North.

Shanker Adawal

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