What is Gōcharā (Transit of Planet)?

In predictive astrological planetary positions, gain
importance in the following order: –
1.      Radical
2.      Navamsa
3.      Directions
prevalent and
4.      Transits.
There exists a consensus of opinion on the point, that it is
only the Moon’s Ascendant, which is important for ascertaining the effects of
transits. Hindu astrologers attach importance to Gōcharā (transits) movements
of the planets and experience also shows that we cannot ignore the effect of
transits of at least slow-moving planets on the life of a native.
Although it is true that at the time of bad directions,
Jupiter will not do much good by transit, and under good directions, Saturn
will not cause much harm, yet, each will produce an effect in every case. It
may be taken as a safe rule, that when evil directions are operating an adverse
transit will worsen the situation, whereas a good transit coinciding with such
directions may avert a crisis by diminishing the bad effects thereof.
 A planet seriously afflicted at birth will not accomplish
much good by transit, but a well-placed and well aspected planet at birth will
act beneficially by transit. The general effect produced by a planet in transit
over another is in principle the same as the conjunction of the two with
directions, but the transit is much less important than the directions. Periods
of Planetary Movements the Sun transits one Rāśi (30°) in one month; the Moon
2¼ days; Mars 1½ months; Mercury1 month; Venus 27 days; Jupiter 1 year; Saturn
2½ years; Rahu1½ years; Ketu 1½ years; Uranus 7 years; and Neptune 7 years are
Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu, Uranus and Neptune are slow-
moving planets. The slower a planet is, the more marked is the effect it
produces by transit.
 Of the fast-moving planets, Mars is capable of producing
marked effects by transit at critical times. Although the Moon is the fastest,
its transit becomes important in deciding fortunate and unfortunate days. When
the Moon transits the place of benefics like Jupiter, Venus or the exalted Sun
it indicates a fortunate day. When the Moon is trine to Jupiter at birth its
transit over both these places indicates fortunate days. The Moon’s transit
through the Ascendant is good in most cases, especially for proceeding on
journeys, except when a malefic is placed in the Ascendant or in the 7th house.
Transits become more important when planets transit signs
which are at angles. Even among the four angles the 1st and the10th are more
important than the 4th and the 7th. In houses other than angles, transits
become important if the house transited is occupied by a planet.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.com
Research work and articles on Bhrigu Nadi astrology: www.shankerstudy.com
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