Sun rules mind which makes him independent and a person who mostly never depends on other people intellect. Person uses his own mind.
Ketu sitting here in 3rd house in Cancer Sign which means spiritualism. This affects persons family life which means that person prefer being alone but with spiritualism. This combination is known for exceptional leadership capabilities with intense emotions.
Planet Moon which indicates mind, is in the house of fiery Mars which is not only retro-gate but rules the 12th house of renunciation. This means Obstacles (Vighna) along with foreign travel, expenditure etc.
Here Moon is in Aquarius sign (Kumbh Rashi) in Purvabhadrapad Nakshatra which is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter cum Saturn combination here gives spiritual depth, Occult knowledge, intuitiveness to Yogi Adityanath. This also makes his attitude towards work is very positive.
What makes Yogi Aditya Nath Horoscope different from Others?
Yogi Adityanath, the present cheif minister of Uttar Pradesh was the youngest member of the 12th Lok Sabha at the age of 26. He has been elected to the Parliament from Gorakhpur constituency for 5 consecutive terms in 1998, 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014 elections.
He was born as Ajay Singh Bisht on 5th June 1972 in Panchur, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand.
As exact time is not known so as per the solar chart here are the planetary combinations made Adityanath a Yogi or a Raj-Yogi?
Combination 1: Venus, the lord of his horoscope is combust and in first house. Also, Venus rules the sixth house of opposition and enmity and denial. So as venus rules comfort and pleasures of life but a combust venus here denies pleasure and comfort to Yogi Adityanath.
But at the same time Venus being the ascendant lord and in Taurus lagan, is suggest that he would stay in aishwarya or in luxary but may be not be a part of enjoyment.
Combination 2: Sun or Surya the lord of mind and mother which is home is in ascendant. Sun or Surya also is in Raj-Yoga that is Karka in the ascendant which is promising him a higher position and authority.
Sun is in Rohini Nakshatra ruled by Taurus sign or in Virshabha Rashi where Nakshatra ruler is Moon. This gives a good appearance to the person and makes him political powerful. Slight stubbornness is there being Sun is in Taurus or in Vrishabha Rashi.
Dr. Shanker AdawalProfile:
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