It is our common experience that
no woman visits an astrologer to confess her sins. It is as well impossible for
an astrologer to put questions doubting her chastity. As such collection of
relevant planetary positions that lead to prostitution and adultery are
practically impossible.
According to Oxford Dictionary,
Adultery means “voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with a person
to whom he or she is not married.”
Adultery means “voluntary sexual intercourse of a married person with a person
to whom he or she is not married.”
Prostitute means “one who offers
himself/herself for sexual intercourse against payment.”
Sexual intercourse with an
unmarried person is not adultery. No married woman/man will come forward to
admit the illegal intimacy with another person. Prostitutes are in thousands
all over the world and no astrologer, I presume is interested to approach them
and collect their date of birth, place and time. This serves no purpose and it
is not only wasting the precious time but also lowering ones dignity/self-respect.
It is easy for medical people to know the sinner but they are not interested to
furnish necessary data for an astrologer to study. Sexual intercourse is there
for various reasons right from the upper class to the lower class. But
prostitution is clear where money is the important factor. Normally there is no
question of a prostitute being loyal to one. But cases are there where they are
loyal, even while committing prostitution with others. Such cases can be found
among Devadasis of yester years.
unmarried person is not adultery. No married woman/man will come forward to
admit the illegal intimacy with another person. Prostitutes are in thousands
all over the world and no astrologer, I presume is interested to approach them
and collect their date of birth, place and time. This serves no purpose and it
is not only wasting the precious time but also lowering ones dignity/self-respect.
It is easy for medical people to know the sinner but they are not interested to
furnish necessary data for an astrologer to study. Sexual intercourse is there
for various reasons right from the upper class to the lower class. But
prostitution is clear where money is the important factor. Normally there is no
question of a prostitute being loyal to one. But cases are there where they are
loyal, even while committing prostitution with others. Such cases can be found
among Devadasis of yester years.
Even though as I said earlier
that it is not possible to collect data, yet some planetary positions in a
given chart indicate the weak character of a woman or man. Mahadeva vide his
famous book Jataka Tatva says (Some of the yogas are mentioned here).
that it is not possible to collect data, yet some planetary positions in a
given chart indicate the weak character of a woman or man. Mahadeva vide his
famous book Jataka Tatva says (Some of the yogas are mentioned here).
1. If Venus and Budha occupy any
one of the houses viz. 7th, 8th or 10th the native will be a Vyabhichari.
one of the houses viz. 7th, 8th or 10th the native will be a Vyabhichari.
2. If Venus and Mars (Kuja)
occupy 10th and 7th houses the native will be an adulterer. Here the aspect of
Mars on Venus is important.
occupy 10th and 7th houses the native will be an adulterer. Here the aspect of
Mars on Venus is important.
3. If the lords 10 and 4 be Venus
and Mars the native is an adulterer (Here also the mutual relationship of Venus
and Mars figures).
and Mars the native is an adulterer (Here also the mutual relationship of Venus
and Mars figures).
4. If Venus occupies 10th house
from Moon and Sani occupies 10th from thence the native will be a profligate.
(Here the mutual aspect of Sani & Moon is present. Sani is not
aspecting Venus. As such why Venus is introduced is not known Sani should be in
11 to Venus).
from Moon and Sani occupies 10th from thence the native will be a profligate.
(Here the mutual aspect of Sani & Moon is present. Sani is not
aspecting Venus. As such why Venus is introduced is not known Sani should be in
11 to Venus).
5. Venus, Budha and Sani should
be in 7 or 10 to Lagna in a house owned by Venus to make on a profligate.
be in 7 or 10 to Lagna in a house owned by Venus to make on a profligate.
6. When lord of 6 occupies any
one Dustana the native is a Vyabhichari.
one Dustana the native is a Vyabhichari.
7. Lord of 2, 7 and 10 in 10 make
one a Vyabhichari.
one a Vyabhichari.
8. When the lord of 7th house is
in conjunction with Nodes and aspected by a malefic make the native a
in conjunction with Nodes and aspected by a malefic make the native a
9. Venus occupying a Varga of
Mars or Sani and be aspected by them respectively make one a profligate.
Mars or Sani and be aspected by them respectively make one a profligate.
10. When Venus and Mars are
posited in 12 to Karakamsa the native will be of loose morals.
posited in 12 to Karakamsa the native will be of loose morals.
11. Same is the case if Ketu is
in 9 to Karakamsa.
in 9 to Karakamsa.
12. Lord of 2 in 3 or 4 to Lagna.
13. Lord of 7 in 1 or 7, lord of
7 in 2 or 12.
7 in 2 or 12.
14. Venus in 7 occupying the
Varga of Mars or Sani or aspected by Sani or Mars.
Varga of Mars or Sani or aspected by Sani or Mars.
15. Moon with Mars and Sani in
7th house – the native and his wife will be adulterous.
7th house – the native and his wife will be adulterous.
16. When Moon or Venus posited in
a Kendra related to a malefic occupy a Krura Shastyamsa and with very little
exaltation strength the native will commit incest with his own mother, same is
the result when Moon and Ravi related to malefic occupy a Kendra, malefic in 4
aspected by malefic and results are above.
a Kendra related to a malefic occupy a Krura Shastyamsa and with very little
exaltation strength the native will commit incest with his own mother, same is
the result when Moon and Ravi related to malefic occupy a Kendra, malefic in 4
aspected by malefic and results are above.
17. Lord of 4 related to a
malefic and be devoid of any benefic relationship and when the lord of lagna is
weaker than lord of 7 the Native will have intercourse with a woman equal to or
on par with the mother.
malefic and be devoid of any benefic relationship and when the lord of lagna is
weaker than lord of 7 the Native will have intercourse with a woman equal to or
on par with the mother.
18. Lord of 7 in 4 related to a
malefic and posited in malefic Shastyamsa the native will have intercourse with
his sister. Same is the result when Sani is in 4 and related to a malefic.
malefic and posited in malefic Shastyamsa the native will have intercourse with
his sister. Same is the result when Sani is in 4 and related to a malefic.
19. Ravi in 7 makes one to have
intercourse with a barren lady. Same is the result if Mars is in 7th house –
but here the time of intercourse will be when she is in her monthly course.
intercourse with a barren lady. Same is the result if Mars is in 7th house –
but here the time of intercourse will be when she is in her monthly course.
20. Venus or Rahu in 7 – the
Union will be with a pregnant woman.
Union will be with a pregnant woman.
21. Moon in conjunction with a
malefic occupies 9th house, the native will meet his teachers wife. Same is the
result if Moon and the lord of 9, or Venus with lord of 9 be conjoined with a
malefic occupies 9th house, the native will meet his teachers wife. Same is the
result if Moon and the lord of 9, or Venus with lord of 9 be conjoined with a
22. Moon in 9 make one to meet a
woman for advance in age.
woman for advance in age.
23. Lord of 9th house in
debilitation – the intercourse will be with a relative of his preceptor.
debilitation – the intercourse will be with a relative of his preceptor.
24. Lord of 1 and 6 in
conjunction with Malefics-an adulterer.
conjunction with Malefics-an adulterer.
25. Waning Moon with a malefic in
7th house or if lord of 8 & 9 are together.
7th house or if lord of 8 & 9 are together.
26. Lord of 7th be conjoined with
a malefic. Budha in 7; Venus and Guru with malefic occupy 2, 6 or 7 Bhavas,
Lord of Lagna with a malefic, Lord of Lagna in Lagna.
a malefic. Budha in 7; Venus and Guru with malefic occupy 2, 6 or 7 Bhavas,
Lord of Lagna with a malefic, Lord of Lagna in Lagna.
27. If three of the Kendras are
occupied by malefics, the native will cohabit like a quadruped.
occupied by malefics, the native will cohabit like a quadruped.
28. Note the planet occupying the
Navamsa occupied by the lord of 7, if the lord of Navamsa occupied by the
planet be conjoined with a malefic, has attained parvatha or higher Vargas and
be strong, the native will have intercourse with a hundred females.
Navamsa occupied by the lord of 7, if the lord of Navamsa occupied by the
planet be conjoined with a malefic, has attained parvatha or higher Vargas and
be strong, the native will have intercourse with a hundred females.
29. When lord of 6, 8 and 9
houses are in conjunction with malefic and also be aspected by malefic the wife
of the native will be an adulterous. Same is the case result when lord of 8
occupies 8th house; Ravi, Mars, Budha, Venus nad Sani occupy a Dustna the
result is the same; the sae is the result when Venus related to Mars, Sani and
Rahu is conjoined with lord of 7 while Bhavas 2 & 12 are occupied by
malefic, Budha as lord of 7 occupying Meena Rasi or Karkataka Rasi duly
aspected by malefic and posited in a Dustana with papargala.
houses are in conjunction with malefic and also be aspected by malefic the wife
of the native will be an adulterous. Same is the case result when lord of 8
occupies 8th house; Ravi, Mars, Budha, Venus nad Sani occupy a Dustna the
result is the same; the sae is the result when Venus related to Mars, Sani and
Rahu is conjoined with lord of 7 while Bhavas 2 & 12 are occupied by
malefic, Budha as lord of 7 occupying Meena Rasi or Karkataka Rasi duly
aspected by malefic and posited in a Dustana with papargala.
30. The woman commits adultery
when Rahu with Sani occupy lagna.
when Rahu with Sani occupy lagna.
31. Budha with Sukra and Sani
occupy 7 or 10 Bhavas owned by Venus make his wife an adulteress or when the
Navamsa of 7th Bhava occupies a malefic Rasi or when lord of 1 & 7 are
in conjunction and eclipsed or malefic in 7 and 12 while waning Moon occupies
5th Bhava or 7th Bhava; or Sani, Mars, Rahu or Ketu occupying 10th Bhava devoid
of benefic relationship; or lord of 3 occupying 4 or 5 Bhavas devoid of benefic
aspect; or lord of 7 in 4 or 11 while lord or 8 occupies 8th; lord of 7 related
to Rahu occupies the lagna; or lord of 7 in conjunction with Mars, Venus and
Rahu; or Venus and Mars related to Sani occupy Sani Rasi; or when 7th Bhava is
posited in Sani Rasi while Venus and Mars devoid of benefic influence occupy
Mars or Venus Rasi in Navamsa; or Venus and Mars in Parivarthana and being
aspected by Sani and Rahu; or Moon and Lagna when are devoid of Guru’s aspect
while lord of Lagna occupies an inimical Navamsa; or lord of 5 in 5 with Sani
while Rahu is conjoined with Moon; or Guru in 8 and Moon in 12 are aspected by
malefic; or Rahu with lord of 5 occupies 5th Bhava when Moon is aspected by
Guru; or Guru occupying an inimical house while his disposition duly aspected
by a malefic occupies the 5th house; or Guru conjoined with Venus or Budha
occupies 5th Bhava duly aspected by Ravi and Mars, or Ravi in conjunction Moon
devoid of Guru’s aspect while lagna lord occupies an inimical Navamsa make ones
wife beget children by committing adultery.
occupy 7 or 10 Bhavas owned by Venus make his wife an adulteress or when the
Navamsa of 7th Bhava occupies a malefic Rasi or when lord of 1 & 7 are
in conjunction and eclipsed or malefic in 7 and 12 while waning Moon occupies
5th Bhava or 7th Bhava; or Sani, Mars, Rahu or Ketu occupying 10th Bhava devoid
of benefic relationship; or lord of 3 occupying 4 or 5 Bhavas devoid of benefic
aspect; or lord of 7 in 4 or 11 while lord or 8 occupies 8th; lord of 7 related
to Rahu occupies the lagna; or lord of 7 in conjunction with Mars, Venus and
Rahu; or Venus and Mars related to Sani occupy Sani Rasi; or when 7th Bhava is
posited in Sani Rasi while Venus and Mars devoid of benefic influence occupy
Mars or Venus Rasi in Navamsa; or Venus and Mars in Parivarthana and being
aspected by Sani and Rahu; or Moon and Lagna when are devoid of Guru’s aspect
while lord of Lagna occupies an inimical Navamsa; or lord of 5 in 5 with Sani
while Rahu is conjoined with Moon; or Guru in 8 and Moon in 12 are aspected by
malefic; or Rahu with lord of 5 occupies 5th Bhava when Moon is aspected by
Guru; or Guru occupying an inimical house while his disposition duly aspected
by a malefic occupies the 5th house; or Guru conjoined with Venus or Budha
occupies 5th Bhava duly aspected by Ravi and Mars, or Ravi in conjunction Moon
devoid of Guru’s aspect while lagna lord occupies an inimical Navamsa make ones
wife beget children by committing adultery.
32. Some more yogas where a woman
begets children by committing adultery are – Lord of 5 or 7 related to lord of
6 and are devoid of benefic aspect, or lord of 7 in 2 in conjunction with a
malefic and aspected by Mars.
begets children by committing adultery are – Lord of 5 or 7 related to lord of
6 and are devoid of benefic aspect, or lord of 7 in 2 in conjunction with a
malefic and aspected by Mars.
Some more yogas where a married
woman commits adultery: for Makara Lagna Moon conjoined with a malefic occupies
a malefic Navamsa; weak Mars as lord of 7 posited in a Krura Shastyamsa in
debilitation/inimical/ eclipsed state happen to occupy a Vihaga Drekkana, or
Budha as lord of 7 in conjunction with malefic is posited in 8th Bhava in
debilitation/inimical eclipsed state with papargala and malefic aspect; or
Venus as lord of 7th in the above defined state occupies Krura shastyamsa; or
Sani as lord of 7 in the above state aspected by malefic and posited in a
Dustana owned by a malefic or one of the nodes in conjunction with Mars are
posited in a Krunavamsa; or a Benefic in 7 in debilitation/inimical house; or
Moon with Venus and Sani posited in 7th house duly aspected by Mars.
woman commits adultery: for Makara Lagna Moon conjoined with a malefic occupies
a malefic Navamsa; weak Mars as lord of 7 posited in a Krura Shastyamsa in
debilitation/inimical/ eclipsed state happen to occupy a Vihaga Drekkana, or
Budha as lord of 7 in conjunction with malefic is posited in 8th Bhava in
debilitation/inimical eclipsed state with papargala and malefic aspect; or
Venus as lord of 7th in the above defined state occupies Krura shastyamsa; or
Sani as lord of 7 in the above state aspected by malefic and posited in a
Dustana owned by a malefic or one of the nodes in conjunction with Mars are
posited in a Krunavamsa; or a Benefic in 7 in debilitation/inimical house; or
Moon with Venus and Sani posited in 7th house duly aspected by Mars.
33. His mother commits adultery
in whose chart lords of 6 and 8 in conjunction with Moon and Mars occupy 4th
Bhava; or lord of 3 or 4 or 7 occupy 4th house conjoined with Venus or Mars and
lord of lagna; or lord of 7 occupies 2nd Bhava with malefic duly aspected by
Mars; or Mars with Venus posited in Sani houses are aspected by Sani; or Sani
with Rahu occupies 2nd Bhava to upapada, or malefic occupy Karkamsa.
in whose chart lords of 6 and 8 in conjunction with Moon and Mars occupy 4th
Bhava; or lord of 3 or 4 or 7 occupy 4th house conjoined with Venus or Mars and
lord of lagna; or lord of 7 occupies 2nd Bhava with malefic duly aspected by
Mars; or Mars with Venus posited in Sani houses are aspected by Sani; or Sani
with Rahu occupies 2nd Bhava to upapada, or malefic occupy Karkamsa.
There are some more yogas
connecting Mon, Mars, Venus and Sani with 3 or 4 or 7 or 12 Bhavas or 12th
Bhava to Karakamsa.
connecting Mon, Mars, Venus and Sani with 3 or 4 or 7 or 12 Bhavas or 12th
Bhava to Karakamsa.
Dr. Shanker Adawal
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