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Shanker's astrological tip for 21/12/10 .

21/12/10 - tuesday- - it is Poornamasi and Mrigasira Nakshatra. This constellation can be described by the word change. Timidity and refinement are the key components . The lucky nombers are 8,9,6 & 3.for today Stocks may open with a bull and flatten by 2pm - then at the end even .
The day today one should change the routine methods of dealing - be different . Be confident but not over optimistic. There is a thin line but be careful. Innovation and novelty will be the key .Give impotance to emotions and feelings of others and deal properly.
On mars - venus relatioship - the mood of men would be to juggle / enjoy whereas the fairer sax will be moody and would want to be pampered .
Have a great day .

Shanker Adawal
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