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Learn Vedic Astrology, Chapter 2

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Astronomical Basis of Astrology - Dimensions of the Sun, Moon and Planets:

Sun: (Semi- Diameter - kms) - 695, 500           
Mass (fraction of mass) 1/ -  (--- )            
(Density (water=1)) - 1.42

Moon:(Semi- Diameter - kms)1, 738    
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 27, 158, 000
(Density (water=1)) - 3.34

Mercury:(Semi- Diameter - kms)2, 420
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 9, 000, 000
(Density (water=1)) - 3.73

Venus:(Semi- Diameter - kms)6, 096    
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 403, 490                   
(Density (water=1)) - 5.21

Earth:(Semi- Diameter - kms) - 6, 378(Eql.)
(Semi- Diameter - kms) - 6, 357 (Polar)
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 329, 390
(Density (water=1)) - 5.53

Mars:(Semi- Diameter - kms)3, 392                    
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 3, 093, 500              
(Density (water=1)) - 3.95

Jupiter: (Semi- Diameter - kms)71, 370 (Eql.0)
(Semi- Diameter - kms)54, 050 (Polar)
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 1, 047.3
(Density (water=1)) - 1.34

Saturn: (Semi- Diameter - kms)60, 400 (Eql.)
(Semi- Diameter - kms)54, 050 (Polar)  
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 3, 501.6
(Density (water=1)) -  0.69

Herschel (Uranus): (Semi- Diameter - kms) - 24, 850
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 22, 870

(Density (water=1)) - 1.36

Neptune: (Semi- Diameter - kms) - 26, 500              
(Mass (fraction of mass) 1/) - 19, 314
(Density (water=1)) - 1.33
Planets- Period of rotation, revolution around Sun and distance from Sun: Speed of light is 3,00, 000 km per second. One light year is equal to 9462.9 billion kms. Sun is about 8 light minutes (mean being 149.67 million km= 1 Astronomical Unit- A.U.) away from earth. Nearest star from Sun Alpha Century is 4.2 light years away from Sun.


Mercury: Period of rotation on its axis  59 days
Period of revolution around Sun  - 88 days
Distance from Sun in AU’s  0.387

Venus: Period of rotation on its axis 243 days
Period of revolution around Sun  - 224.7 days
Distance from Sun in AU’s - 0.723

Earth: Period of rotation on its axis 23.9 hrs.
Period of revolution around Sun  - 365.25 day
Distance from Sun in AU’s  -  1.000

Mars: Period of rotation on its axis 24.6 hrs.
Period of revolution around Sun  - 686.98 days
Distance from Sun in AU’s  - 1.524

Jupiter: Period of rotation on its axis 9.9 hrs
Period of revolution around Sun  - 11.86 yrs.
Distance from Sun in AU’s  - 5.203

Saturn: Period of rotation on its axis 10.2 hrs
Period of revolution around Sun  -  29.46 yrs
Distance from Sun in AU’s - 9.519

Herschel (Uranus): Period of rotation on its axis 17.2 hrs
Period of revolution around Sun - 84.02 yrs.
Distance from Sun in AU’s  - 19.187
Neptune:Period of rotation on its axis 18.4 hrs
Period of revolution around Sun  - 164.77 yrs.
Distance from Sun in AU’s - 30.047

Pluto: Period of rotation on its axis 6.4 days
Period of revolution around Sun  - 248.42 yrs.
Distance from Sun in AU’s - 39.672

Geocentric vs. Heliocentric system:

Astrologers are concerned with predictable effects of planets on living/ non- living on Earth. Therefore, geocentric astronomical observations are used. Astronomers are concerned with movement of planets with Sun as the center of the Solar System.- The twelve signs: Zodiac is an 18° belt extending 9° on either side of Ecliptic- apparent path of Sun. All planets, 12 signs and 27 nakshatras are located in it.

IV Twenty- seven Nakshatras:

1 - Ashwini        
10 - Magha         
19 - Moola
2 - Bharani
11 - Poorva Phalguni     
20 -  Poorva Ashada
3- Krittika
12 - Uttra Phalguni
21 - Uttra Phalguni
4 - Rohini            
13- Hasta            
22- Shravan
5- Mrig
14 - Chitra
23 - Dhanistha
6 - Ardra
15 -  Swati
24 - Shatbhisha
7- Punarvasu
16 - Vishakha
25 - P. Bhad.
8 - Pushya
17 - Anuradha
26 - U. Bhadra
9 - Ashlesha
18 - Jyeshtha
27 -  Revati

V Geographical (Terrestrial) - Longitudes and Latitudes: 

Longitudes- are imaginary lines formed by planes passing through the axis of rotation (Meridian) of earth with the earth’s surface. Prime Meridian at 0° passes through the Royal Greenwich Observatory near London. 180° East or West- International Date Line.

Latitudes- are circles cut by surface of the earth with planes parallel to Equator. They help in location any point the surface of the earth.

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