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Learn Vedic Astrology, Chapter 4

Planets, lordship, dignity, period & ruling God

Planet (Color) – Sun (Saffron)

Sign Lordship - 5

Deep Exaltation -
Aries 10°

Moola Trikona -
Leo 10°

Time Period in one sign Daily movement –
1 month (1°)

Age -
50 yrs

Period of Influence -
One Ayana (6 months)

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Moon (White)

Sign Lordship – 4     

Deep Exaltation -
Taurus 3°

Moola Trikona –
Taurus 4°- 30°

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
2.25 days (13.33°)

Age –
70 Yrs

Period of Influence -
One Muhurata (48 minutes)

Ruling God* -
Amba (Parvati)

Planet (Color) - Mars (Red)
Sign Lordship - 1,8

Deep Exaltation -
Capri 28°

Moola Trikona -
Aries 10°

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
45 days (40’)

Age –
16 Yrs

Period of Influence -
One day

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Mercury (Green)
Sign Lordship - 3,6

Deep Exaltation -
Virgo 15°

Moola Trikona -
Virgo 16°- 25°

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
20 days (1.5°)

Age –
20 Yrs

Period of Influence -
Two months

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Jupiter (Yellow)
Sign Lordship - 9,12

Deep Exaltation -
Cancer 5°

Moola Trikona -
Sage. 10°

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
1 Year (5’)

Age -
30 Yrs

Period of Influence -
One month

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Venus (White)
Sign Lordship - 2,7

Deep Exaltation -
Pisces 27°

Moola Trikona -
Libra 15°

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
1 month (1°)

Age –
7 Yrs

Period of Influence -
15 days

Ruling God* -  

Planet (Color) - Saturn (Black)
Sign Lordship - 10,11

Deep Exaltation -
Libra 20°

Moola Trikona –
Aquarius 20°

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
2½ years (2’)

Age –
100 Yrs

Period of Influence -
One year

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Rahu (Black)
Sign Lordship - 6

Deep Exaltation -

Moola Trikona -

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
1½ years (3.3’)

Age –
100 Yrs

Period of Influence -
Six months

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Ketu (Black)

Sign Lordship -

Deep Exaltation -

Moola Trikona -

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
1½ years (3.3’)

Age -

Period of Influence -
Three months

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Herschel (Uranus)

Sign Lordship -

Deep Exaltation -

Moola Trikona -

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
7 years

Age -

Period of Influence -

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Neptune
Sign Lordship -

Deep Exaltation -

Moola Trikona -

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -
13 years

Age -

Period of Influence -

Ruling God* -

Planet (Color) - Pluto
Sign Lordship -

Deep Exaltation -

Moola Trikona -

Time Period in one sign Daily movement -

Age -

Period of Influence -

Ruling God* - 

Note: Propitiation of ruling Gods of planets related with 5H or 9H is advised. Alternately, propitiation of afflicted dasha/antardasha lords causing disease or difficulties are recommended.

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