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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity. December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings. December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.


Avoid Marital Pitfalls via Astrology

1. Religion and civilization have for centuries tried to make marriage a permanent contract; but to-date, the injunction of staying married “until death to you” part has not worked out so well. To get around the breaking up of a marriage some religions instituted polygamy. Thus, when a man gets tired of his wife, he could take another without divorcing his first wife, but today polygamy is generally abolished throughout the world except in some places.

2. Marriage is the most difficult of all partnerships; it should not be entered into blindly because some persons were never by nature made for marriage. Others came from families where the early training made marital success almost impossible.

3. Love alone does not guarantee a long and successful marriage because one’s love can change from one person to another as he meets others during his/her lifetime. I have seen many who were, as they said, “desperately” in love with another. This is all too common where sex is the basis for their “love” and is found in horoscopes of those who have strong configuration between Mars and Venus in the firey signs. Basing marriage solely on “love” is a method used by most teenagers and it has been noted that many teenage marriages end in divorce.

4. In India and many other Asiatic countries, marriages are arranged by the parents of the bride and groom. The selection of a marriage partner is left to the mere mature judgement of older persons. Some couples never see each other before marriage, yet the record shows that the degree of contentment in marriage is higher than it is in the West. It must also be taken into account that Astrology is used to determine whether or not the couple will be compatible.

5. Disillusionment after marriage is the result of the building of a false ideal about the loved one. This also could be eliminated by a complete analysis of the loved one’s horoscope before marriage. No person is perfect; however, some people are obnoxious but are able to hide that side of their nature during courtship0. If after an astrological analysis of the horoscope one finds that the intended marriage partner is not all that one expected, at least the degree of disillusionment will be lessened.

6. The best marriages are based on reality and commonsense. Always be certain that you love a person for what he (or she) is and not for what you think he (or she) is or on the idea that you can change his personality completely. Again, I must repeat and stress that the horoscope shows the real person.

7. Women in the late forties and early fifties seem to be most susceptible to the wiles of young charmers specially if they are windows who have inherited some property or money. Had they consulted an Astrologer before marriage they would have been given a warning which would have, if needed, saved them from the loss of all they owned.

8. A short time ago, a young woman aged twenty-two came to see me regarding a love affair which seemed at the time to have come to an abrupt ending. It was plain to me that she wanted me to tell her that she and the young man with whom she had been associating would eventually be married. She came from another city and was staying at a hotel. Her erstwhile boy-friend was going to college and for about a year had completely forgotten her, so it seemed. She knew he must have another girl in this city or in the college, or, at least so she thought. Her horoscope showed the Sun, Moon and Mercury are all tied up in Scorpio. The progressions showed Sun square natal Jupiter and Mars progressed to the opposition of Saturn (fifth to eleventh). These were very bad aspects, and the young lady showed the extreme tensions which usually accompany such progressions. Tragedy often is coincident with such planetary combination.

9. I believe that the high divorce rate in present days in caused by young couples entering into marriage with little or no idea of the responsibilities which come with marriage. Today the material needs of marriage requires a sizable income. Good mental health is also necessary if the couple is to cope satisfactorily with the numerous problems which will surely arise. “No matter what I do, my wife says it is wrong,” said one of my clients. Her horoscope showed some very trying aspects to Uranus (including the Moon), and, of course, she was in a state of discontment most of the time. I told this client that he would have to make the best of it if he wanted to stay married to his wife.

10 This is another case where competent astrological advice would have saved a woman many hours of misery. It seems that her husband is a truck driver who drives between two large cities and, of course, has ample reason to stay away overnight. She did a little checking on him sosme time ago and found that his overnight absence were the result of his staying with a woman in another city. Further investigation showed that he had a-few-month-old baby by this other woman. This was after ten years of marriage to the driver. She has had four children by her husband. When the husband discovered that his wife knew about the affair with the other woman and the child, he, according to her statement, beat her up so badly that she had to have three stitches in her face. What should she do?

11. In making judgement of a horoscope, the Astrologer must take into consideration such things as racial background and environment (both present and past). What the Astrologer sometimes thinks is right or wrong may not be what the client thinks about it. What the client’s course of action will lead to should be pointed out to him. This is the Astrologer’s duty; and if the client does not need the advice and suffers; then the Astrologer is not to blame.

12. One of the most difficult things for the Astrologer is to try to convince a person that he (or she) should give up the idea of marrying a certain person. Of course, if one waits until he finds a person with a perfect natal chart, he may never get married; but, at least he know what to accept, even though the birth-chart is not perfect. It takes a lot of courage to tell a person that his intended marriage partner is a hopeless neurotic or a psychopath, but all psychiatrists are faced with that problem; yet they cannot shirk their duty.

Even the doctor of medicine has at times, when he must, inform his patient that he has an incurable Cancer. Had the patient gone to his doctor before his condition became hopeless, he might have been saved. So get astrological advice as early as possible – before not after and thus avoid Marital Pitfalls.

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