"Exploring Ancient Astrology with Modern Tools for Vedic Scholars, Guiding You on a Journey Through Timeless Knowledge and Contemporary Insights"

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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity. December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings. December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.


Medical Astrology: Stethoscope and Horoscope

It is true that the medical science has advanced well in view of various equipments given. Whereas the Astrologers still rely on Date, Time and Place of birth though recent computarised calculations and versions have given a helping hand in the form of their instruments.

Sometime back, I had participated in Dental Health Mela and in an interview, the In-charge Doctor had put the dental sufferings to 60% percent of population and so did I in view of the planet Mars owing two signs i.e. Aries and Scorpio and if the aspects of Mars are taken into consideration and also the Nakshtras of Mars, then the dental diseases definitely affect the above magnitude of the population.

We all need medical help from time to time rather right from the date of birth though the time of delivery can be postponed to an auspicious moment astrologically.

Long back the learned and respected Dr. Venugopal of A.I.M.S. (as per News-item) had performed heart-operation on a 2 year child. I had written for giving birth details and as ususal no reply was received. All such medical events do become a precedent for astrologer. Rather I have been wishing to have a special study of each ailment including Aids, Heart problem, Arthritis etc. but the Medical men have failed to give the needed help i.e. only to give the birth details. I take this opportunity to appeal to all leading Hospitals/Institutions to evolve a method for giving birth deteails to the Astrologers wishing to study medical astrology in detail.

It may be noted that there is no competition between Astrologers and Doctors – actually as the things are today, this become a competition among unequals. But the day is not far when the Astrologers shall have an equal say specially after the Astrology gets taught in Universities.

Medical science has thrown a challenge to astrologers by providing cure to many diseases and by developing means to protect people from epidemic diseases. It is upto astrologers to prove that Astrology can go a step further than this and that they will be able to diagnose diseases merely looking at the natal-chart, and that they can predict the possible future diseases and thus could help the mankind to take preventive measures.

Medical men advance so many theories regarding the appearance of a disease. They talk of family incidence, sex, individual susceptibility, etc., and when the person having all these predisposing factors escapes a disease, they come forth with the explanation that the individual has got good `resistance’ to the disease. After all what is this susceptibility and resistance? And how this resistance develops in a man? Some people fill themselves with multivitamins and yet are susceptible to ordinary sneeze, and get cold immediately. That proves, merely vitamin-intake will not help a man to become resistant to diseases. Actually Astrology provide, an answer to this and all such problems about the disease of the native. It is the inherent strength of the horoscope that gives a man this `resistance’ to disease. The native whose horoscope is inherently strong, keeps his health strong, inspite of growing age and adverse health, but collapsed suddenly after a minor ailment. All such situations can be explained by studying the principles of Medical Astrology. There are certain combinations or Yogas which confer upon an individual excellent health, and there are other yogas which render a person chronic sufferer from diseases. Even a look at Lagna Lord and Lagna are sufficient to know about the health of the native.

Atleast, I would say that Astrology is and can be more useful than any other system of knowing about diseases. There are people, who look weak and thin, and yet are capable of withstanding many a crisis, in their lives. There are apparently healthy persons but succumbing to ordinary diseases. So, the modern way of judging one’s health merely by measuring the chest and abdomen and by weighing the person is not acceptable as correct astrologically. Doctors may not foresee the diseases that may be-fall on a native. (a doctor who is well versed in Medical Astrology can easily forecast the future health of a person), I wish the doctors could take the help of astrology. It would be apt to sasy that a doctor would be more safe with astrology than his own laboratory and routine tests. We have now many Doctors/ Surgeons applying astrological principles. Astrology also gives us some methods by which one can be protected from the malefic influences of planets that cause misery and disease. When this malefic effect of the planet is checked, a person can escape completely or may be affected slightly. The modern scientist may laugh at you, when you say, that diseases could be prevented by means of astrology. Let him laugh. The day is dawning now and that too not in the distant future, when the worth of astrology will be established. The Central Government has already accepted the proposal for stablishment of `chairs’ in astrology in the Universities.

Astrology is no more looked upon as a mere superstition by the educated people of India. The uneducated masses have complete faith in astrology. This this ancient science is once again becoming popular not only in India but in the world. As I know in America, almost every State, has its own Astrological Society or Association. In United Kingdom also there are similar societies though there are some basic differences between Hindu astrology and Western Astrology. On the whole the Western countries have made considerable progress. In India, too now many educated men are increasingly becoming interested in this ancient and grand science. Medical Astrology as a rule must form a subject of post-graduate studies in astrology. Unless an astrologer is well-versed with medicine or vice versa this branch of science cannot be applied in practice. Very often you will see that an ordinary astrologer will be able to tell you, as to how many days, a person would require to recover from a disease from the Muhurta, (moment of approach or querry) but he cannot give you a diagnosis of the disease. It is therefore equally essential for an astrologer, to learn all about diseases, their pathology. They are laymen as far as, diseases are concerned. And this is where, a doctor-astrologer, would be of immense help to the suffering humanity. To understand a disease, you must know the Anatomy, physiology and pathology, without which you cannot have clear idea of a disease as regards its appearance and symptoms. General astrology no doubt, gives us some combinations for certain diseases, but it does not deal exhaustively with the nature of diseases. It is therefore, very essential, that an intending practitioner of Medical Astrology, should have sufficient knowledge of diseases. Preferably, he should be a medical man himself. Research in Medical Astrology can be undertaken easily by the medical men, for they have all the facilities to study different discases. I therefore appeal to my colleagues and medical men to study this interesting and useful science deeply and apply its principles to their general practice. I have been able to diagnose diseases with the help of horoscope. I feel that the horoscope is more useful than a stethoscope. When a patient comes to me I know from the time of his arrival or his horoscope, the nature of disease and the course it might take. By drawing the requisite astrological charts I often treat them with astrological prescription. Donot take as criticism but it has been seen that some medical practitioners exaggerate the disease and thus subject the patient to tedeious tests and vexing injections even though the person does not need them at all. Few Doctors even in reputed Nurshing Homes create artificial heart attack to fatten the bill. Astrology, as it is today, has its own limitations apart from the combinations for diseases that may be present in a horoscope, the student must look for the transitting influences and must take into consideration, the circumstances of the case in hand, and judge it from all the angles. Only a master-mind can compare and combine the various influences at work in a horoscope. It requires a life time study of the subject before one can become an expert in the subject.

If the doctor uses his stethoscope, then the astrologer will make use of the horoscope. If the doctor resorts to his laboratory, the astrologer will do with the directional influences. And if the doctor uses his microscope for a detailed examination, the astrologer may resort to various divisional charts.

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