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The astral energy of Dec.,19 , 2011, 2011

The astral energy of Dec.,19 , 2011, 2011 is that you will have the practical aspect dominant - will try to fix things in a logical way - the ego perhaps you had is now over - you will want to be logical. My advice is that while dealing keep the negative instincts away - what i mean is that of a disconnect between ACTION - THOUGHT .Cheating is necessarily not a business/relationship law though it may work in the short run . Do not fear also issues of relationships , communications and legal .
My advice is if - (say - thought) connect not there it will manifest at some place creating loss for your peace .


Why does a man wants in a relationship a good girl to be a friend and also his woman ? - i observe this as a major issue in the present generation - this while i talk with those who come for astrology read . Comments -----

Shanker Adawal
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