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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity. December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings. December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.


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IX Transit, Ashtakvarga & Progeny Timing:

1 & ‘s Transit – (PAC) with (from Lagna & )

a) Lagna or LL

b) 5H or 5L

c) 9H or 9L

d) Alternately, with 5H, 5L, 9H *9L all the four.

i) By &: within 9 months

ii) By: within 75 days

iii) By: within 30 days

iv) By: within 72 hours

v) Dispositor of also to have similar connection.

vi) Retrograde planet from previous house also.

vii) Similarly, examine in Navamsha also.

2 Transit of LL over:

a) OH/Exalted sign.

b) 5H/5L

c) Rashi trinal to 5L or Yama’s Rashi or Navamsha.

3 ‘s transit over:

a) Sign /Navamsha (or trine) of 5L from

b) (Long. Of Nak. Lord of + Long. Of 5th Nak.’s Lord from it).

c) (+ Dispositor of)’s long.

d) Santan Guru Sputa (SGS)’s sign = (S.G.’s long. – ‘s long.) or its Navamsha:

i) ‘s transit over SGS’s sign for Mandi in sign 1 to 6 signs.

ii) ‘s transit over SYS’s Navamsha for Mandi 7 to 12 signs.

e) Sign or Navamsha of 5L or Yama.

f) Putra Saham: (+ Asc.)

4 Ashtakvarga Method:

a)  transit on following sign having t o4 more bindu:

i) Sign/Navamsha 5L from Lag/ (or trines).

ii) Sign/Navamsha of Mandi (or trines).

b) ‘s transit over stronger of sign/Navamsha (or their trines) of:

i) Planets giving a dot in 5th from.

ii) Child giving planet in Natal.

iii) Planets forming Yoga for child.

Shanker Adawal
Profile: www.connectingmind.com

Research work and articles on Bhrigu Nadi astrology: www.shankerstudy.com

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