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Late 2024 Astrological Events!

September 17-18, 2024: Partial Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon in Aries – An intense period for closure and new beginnings. September 22, 2024: Autumn Equinox – A time for balance and reflection as the Sun enters Libra. October 2, 2024: Annular Solar Eclipse – Visible across parts of South America; an opportunity for transformation. October 21-22, 2024: Orionid Meteor Shower – A time for inspiration and sudden clarity. December 13-14, 2024: Geminid Meteor Shower – Known for its spectacular display, this event offers clarity and the opportunity for new beginnings. December 21, 2024: Winter Solstice – Marks the longest night, ideal for introspection and goal-setting.


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Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

(2) Prophyry’s or Current Hindu system

In this system at first the Ascendant and the M.C. are obtained from the tables and then the other two cardinal points viz. the descendant or the 7th house and the I.C. or the 4th house are derived therefrom as usual by adding 6 signs to them. Then the difference between the Ascendant and the M.C. is divided into three equal parts and by adding this third part to the M.C. the eleventh house is obtained, and again adding this third part to the 11th house, the 12th house is found. In a similar way by adding to the ascendant successively the third part of the difference between the 4th house and the ascendant, the longitudes of the 2nd and the 3rd houses are obtained. The remaining houses can be worked out by a similar process, but they are easily deducible by adding 6 signs to each of the opposite houses already found out.

(3) Placidus’s or Semi-Arc System

The principle underlying this system is that when a planet rises in the eastern horizon by the diurnal motion, it is then exactly on the ascendant. Thereafter if passes over the 12th house the 11th house the 10th house etc., in equal intervals of time until it sets when it reaches the descendant or the 7th house. Again from the 7th to the 1st house it passes over the different houses in equal intervals of time which is, however, not necessarily the same as the above mentioned interval but the sum of the two is always 4 hours. When the planet crosses the upper meridian it is on the 10th house or M.C. and at the time of crossing the lower meridian it is on the 4th house or the I.C. The moments of the two meridian passages are just mid-way between the rising and setting times, and the lower meridian passage takes place 12 hours* after its passage over the upper meridian. The time interval from rising to the meridian passage or from the M. Pass. To setting is called the semi-diurnal arc, and similarly the time-interval from the setting to the lower. M. Pass. Or from the lower M. Pass. To the rising is called the semi-nocturnal arc. One third of the semi-arc is the time required by the planet in passing over the successive houses. When the time of meridian passage of a planet on a particular day is known and also the value of the semi-arc is known, the timings of its passage over other houses for that day can easily be tabulated, from which the house position of the planet at any momenjt on that day can be ascertained.

(4) Regiomontanus’s &

(5) Campanus’s Systems

In these two system the celestial sphere is divided into twelve divisions by great circles, all passing through the North and South points of the horizon. In the system of Regiomontanus, these circles intersect the celestial equator at equal distances viz., 30o degrees and in the Campanus’s system the prime vertical (the great circle passing through the East and West points of the horizon and the Zenith of the place) is equally divided by these circles. These dividing great circles intersect the ecliptic at points which are called the cusps of the houses. The division commences from the horizon, and the meridian is also one of the dividing circles. Consequently the ascendant, descendant, the M.C. and the I.C. are the same in these cases also as in other systems of division.

The excellence of the Campanus’s system lies in the fact that it divides the celestial sphere into twelve equal divisions. The angles contained between the dividing circles at their common meeting points (viz., the north and the south cardinal points) are all equal. In the system of Regiomontanus, however, these subtended angles are not all equal. But even then, in consideration of other factors this latter system of division has been approved by many and termed as the rational method (modus rationalis).

Case Study – Interpretation of Divisional Charts
i) Wealth, prosperity, parameters are:
a) Parameters:
1) 2H – exalted in 2H in D/1
2) 2L in friends house in 3H shows initiative for earning wealth.
3) Bhava Karaka & Karaka for wealth exalted in 2H in D/1
4) Depends on ‘s or ‘s strength also- dig-bal in 10H and in 3H – an upchaya house is excellent for welth.

b) are good in ‘s Hora
c) are good in ‘s Hora
d) is good in both HOra

c Alternate:
1) Benefic good in ‘s Hora in even sign- in even sign in ‘s Hora – face radiant, polite, humble & fortunate.
2) Malefic good in ‘s Hora in odd sign – malefic in odd sign in ‘s hora – aggressive, strong and wealthy.
3) If in above combinations are changed i.e., malefic in ‘s Hora in even sign or benefic in ‘s Hora in odd sign in odd sign in ‘s hora & in even sign in ‘s hora – moderate results.
4) But if planets are reversed in Hora well as in odd/even signs they will not have above characteristics e.g.

d) During D/AD of or planet in ‘s Hora, wealth comes naturally without much effort than D/AD of or planet in ‘s Hora. In this case will be wealth giver. There is association of 2H, 2L, in D-2 with benefic – harness wealth in D/AD.

3. Drekkana Chart (D3): Brothers, sisters, self-initiative.
a) LL of D3 chart is in OH strongly placed in Kendra indicates a person of initiative and good for siblings also.
b) 3L of D1 in FH in 10H and in D3 is in 2H with showing betterment.
c) 3H Karaka (Exal.) in D1 in 8H is exalted in 4H in D3. Its position is improved showing auspicious fructification of 3H significations.
d) 3H from in D3 is 6H in D/3 aspected by its lord is good for 3H significations.
e) Prominent male association – male coborn.
f) Study D1, D3 & D9 together. In D9 3H karaka is exalted in Lagna and D9 LL exalted in 10H. All this good for fortune of siblings and initiative, will power and courage of the native.

4. Saptamsha Chart (D7): Children, grand children, character, temperament.
i) For progeny, happiness there from
a) Parameters: 5H, 5L & of D1; Lagna/LL of D7 – D1 5H aspect of 5L in 9H aspect of Moon, 5L from is exalted give male and female progeny.
b) Lagna/LL of D7 strong aspected benefic & in good house – male progeny; if heavy affliction – denial otherwise – female progeny. Lagna of D3 with two benefics & aspected by D3 LL in

great friends sign in 8H give male and female progeny.
c) Planets well placed in Benefic, Kendra, Tikona promote progeny in their D/AD. In D7 all benefics in Kendra or Tikona – promoting progeny both male and female.
d) If male planet – male progeny.
e) If female planets – female progeny.
f) 5L & 5H not afflicted by in D1 or D3 indicate no abortion.

5. Navamsha Chart (D9): Spouse, general fortune (Alternative Birth Chart)

a) Supplementary Birth Chart: - General fortune, marital happiness, mental happiness, religious results, temperament, disposition, character.

i) Parameters:
1) 7H/7H of D1 & Lagna, LL of D9: In D1 7H aspected by and 7L exalted in 2H having aspect of exalted shows some disturbance in marital life but wealth and luck. In D9 Lagna is with exalted (4L/11L) and LL in 10H – a Kendra confirm D1 promise. In D9 7L is in 8H on axis showing disturbance in marital life in their D/AD.
2) in D1 in 9H and in 3H mutually aspect good for wealth and fortune.
3) Other marriage houses:
i) Lagna (self/wealth)
i) 2H (family)
ii) 4H (happiness)
iii) 5H (progeny)
iv) 8H (sex enjoyment)
v) 12H (bed pleasures) etc & their Lords

b) Proper placement, benefic association in D9 – happy married life.
c) Mental compatibility – Lagna or of spouse matching with Rashi occupied by Lagna or in Navamsha of native.
c) Marriage in sub-sub period of one auspiciously placed out of planets connected with Lagna/Kendra/Tikona of D9.

Shanker Adawal
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