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Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Astro Example – Bhava and Bhava Madhya (Cuspal) Chart
By adding 6to cusps and house junctions of 10H to 1H cusps and house junctions of 4H to 7H and by adding 6s to cusps and house junctions of 1H to 4H cusps and house junctions of 7H to 10H are fixed. They are shown graphically.

B. Bhava Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart:
Rashi Chart shows the signs or rashis in which various planets are posited at the time of birth. The Bhava Chart or Bhava Chalit chart shows where the planets are actually posited according to the stretch of each bhava. As the planets not only exert influence on the stretch of their signs but also on the position in a particular bhava. In the Bhava Chart no place is given to the signs but bhavas (houses) and planet’s position in bhava in indicated within the span of each of the houses which may not coincide with signs.

If we compare the Bhava Chalit Chart with Rashi Chart that Sun lord of 12H (12L) is posited in 4H in Rashi but shifted to 5H in Bhava Chart; Mercury, LL and 10L placed in 4H in Rashi Chart is posited in 5H; Moon, 11L posited in 7H in Rashi is shifted to 8H in Bhava Chart and Saturn 5L and 6L posited in 9H is shifted to 10H. Rest of the planets are in same houses as in Rashi Chart.

C. Cuspal or Bhava Madhya Chart:
The cuspal chart shows placement of house cusps in various signs. It is coincident that in this case all the cusps have fallen in the same sign but quite often it so happen that more than one cusp fall in one sign. The result is that the lord of same sign becomes the lord of both the cusps.

It is from Rashi Chart that we see the position of planets in various signs, their aspect, conjunction and yoga. From bhava chart we see the position of planets in various Bhavas. From the cuspal Chart we see which planet is the lord of a particular cusp (bhava or house). If two cusps fall in the same sign then lord of that sign becomes the lord of both the houses.

Astro Example – Bhava and Bhava Madhya (Cuspal) Chart

1. The Extent of a House:

The circle of the zodiac is divided into 12 houses as such each house extends over moreor less 30o degrees. Now the question is from which point a house will begin and where will it end. According to the European method, the longitude of a house is the beginning point of that house, e.g. the first house begins from the longitude of the ascendant and extends upto the longitude of the second house from which point again the second house begins, and so on. According to this method the M.C. is the beginning point of the tenth house which ends at the longitude of the 11th house. When a planet falls within the above mentioned region of a particular house, it is said to have occupied that house and to exert its influence over it. The longitude of the different houses are thus the junction point of the houses and as such they are called the Cusps (Sandhis) of the houses in the European system.

According to the Indian or Hindu method the above mentioned cusps or longitudes of the houses are the middle points of the respective houses and not the junction points. A house commences from abouit 15o behind the longitude of that house and extends upto about 15o ahead of it. These junction points which are the cusps or bhava sandhis of this method, are obtainable by dividing by 2, the sum of the longitudes of two consecutive houses of which the sandhi is required. A house extends over the span from the preceding sandhi upto the following sandhi of the house concerned. The longitudes of the houses, such as the ascendant, the M.C. etc., are thus the central point of those house and as such are the most sensitive points in the horoscope. But the whole sign in which the degree of ascendant falls is generally considered the first house and so on., This may be called compartmental system.

The above mentioned Hindu method seems to be more rational and worthy of being followed in all astrological calculations particularly in the casting of nativity.

II. Different Systems of House Division

The ascendant and the tenth house are the same in all the .systems mentioned below except in the Ptolemaic system or modus equalisin which the tenth house is different from the M.C. In all the systems the positions of any six consecutive houses are diametrically opposite to the positions of the remaining six consecutive houses, so that 180o or six signs added to the longitude of any house gives the longitude of the opposite house, thuss---

Long. of 10th house or M.C. +6 signs = Long. of 4th house or I.C.
Long. of 11th house +6 signs = Long. of 5th house.
Long. of 12th house +6 signs = Long. of 6th house.
Long. of 1st house or Asc. +6 signs = Long. of 7th house or desendant.
Long. of 2nd house +6 signs = Long. of 8th house.
Long. of 3rd house +6 signs = Long. of 9th house.

The methods of finding the longitudes of the different houses according to the different systems are stated below. After finding these longitudes, the extent of each house may be determined either according to the above mentioned European or the Hindu method as the reader likes.

(1) Ptolemaic system or modus equals

In this system all the houses are at equal distances on the ecliptic and their longitudes differ by 30o in each case commencing from the ascendant. Here the degree of the ascendant only is required to be found and the longitudes of the successive houses will have the same degree in the successive signs of the zodiac. The 10th house in this system is thus 90o behind the ascendant and is known as the nonagesimal, which is not the same as the M.C. obtained from the table. The follower of this system will take the nonagesimal point as the tenth house in horoscope-making leaving aside the M.C. which may be utilized for other astrological purposes.

This system of equal division of the ecliptic, which was presumably in vogue in India also in early times is not generally followed at present. But this system is gradually gaining popularity as the arguments in its favour are being rightly advocated by some of the present day astrologers of the West and it is hoped that the merits of this system will be appreciated in this country also before long.

Shanker Adawal

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