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Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)
4 Alternately, benefic transit – increased good over R – Nak. No. counted from Ashwini; Q- the age.
a) (Sum of bindu from Lag. To or) x 7/27
b) (Sum of bindu from to Lag.) x 7/27

III SAV-Use: SAde-Sati – transit of over 12th/ /2nd from:

1 SAV of 12th/Ist/2nd from >30 – excellent 71/2 years.

2 BAV >5 or 6: good in that sign.

IV Kakshya Principle:

1 Kakshya lord (KL) contributing a bindu in ‘s BAV in that sign – period of 3.75 months in that Kakshya will be good.

2 More than one planet transit Kakshyas where Kakshya Lords have given a bindu in that sign in their respective BAV – increased good and when no bindu is contributed in such cases – devastation (specially if D/AD is also unfavourable).

3 Transiting planet & KL are FH – good (vise versa).

4 Transit over OH/Exalted/FH/MT – good.

V Transit Results:
1 Nature of result:
a) According to Karkattwa of planet.
b) House from Lag. Being transited.
c) According to house from Kakshya Lord’s natal position.
d) According to nature:
i) – Dhatu
ii) – Mula
iii) – Jeeva

2 Fructification:
a) Static: contribution of bindu by KLs of natal MD/ADL in their BAV – propensity to do well in D/AD.
b) Dynamic: contribution bindu by KL of transiting planet in its BAV – fructification.

3 BAV interpretation:
a) No. of BAV bindu:
i) 8 : Prosperity, king
ii) 7 : Honor, award
iii) 6 : Wealth, vehicle
iv) 5 : Child birth, clothes
v) 4 : Good/bad equally
vi) 3 : Mental/physical discomfort
vii) 2 : Loss of money
viii) 1 : Disease
ix) 0 : fatality, humiliation

b) These can be applied in natal chart also to see the general life pattern.
b) A weak planet with low bindu (1-3) in his AV and in EH/Deb. – annihilation of Bhava where posited and vice-versa in opposite case.

4 SAV interpreteation:
a) Marriage:
i) sign of bride & groom > 30 – happy, compatible married life.

b) Finance:
i) Sum of Lag., 2H,4H,9H,10H,11H>164 – financial prosperity.
ii) Sum of 6/8/12H <76 (Thirthaya)

c) Contentment:
i) Sum of Kendra + Tikona (inner-self) > 169 – contented.
ii) Sum of other six houses (outer-self) >169 – greedy, deceitful.

d) 12H bindus > 2H bindu = may go to foreign, does not take parental business (4H/4L be afflicted).

e) 2H > 12H – saver, thrifty.

f) LL – 4L with bindus > 33 –king.

g) Less bindu:
i) in 2H: control of food habit.
ii) in 7 H/12H – sexual urge control – longevity.

h) B, S, P, G Analysis:
i) Bandhu : 1,5,9H (Dharma)

Shanker Adawal
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